What is the niche of the arctic fox?
replied to: amanda1357
Replied to: What is the niche of the arctic fox?
An animal's 'niche' is its role in the local ecosystem. The Arctic fox fills a predatory niche, which helps to control the populations of such small animals as lemmings and Arctic Hares which are its most common prey.
replied to: tbone
Replied to: An animal's 'niche' is its role in the local ecosystem....
An arctic foxes niche is an omnivore because eat eats berries and other plant life and it eats small animals like lemmings
omnivore is a niche between a carnivore and a herbivore and a consumer is related to the keine family and lives up north around Canada and Greenland mostly around icy and snowy places but is a critically endangered species and has a chance to be extinct with a 10% chance within 100 years why? Because the red fox is its compettitor and the red fox has a more higher population then the arctic fox so the red fox is killing and taking more of the arctic foxes prey this means the arctic fox is losing its habitat / space to hunt and live
replied to: tbone
Replied to: An animal's 'niche' is its role in the local ecosystem....
Hello im Steve and i have a baby arctic fox and she is so nice but hard to take care of.
please comment please and thank you!
replied to: sinkcast
Replied to: An arctic foxes niche is an omnivore because eat eats berries...
Tahnks for you stuff woqeiudfyqwoeidvqedhlqjfpuwyegdpqahdgjhwbdnjasbd;iweur[iuqehqoiMCXFGWOEUYFDGQOUYEGDUYWEGFUQHOU43TB87362-87-1----4892`Y4IUGH3EOWJQBFJHvqwluigwqprqiruytgehjvfwevclruy2eroiwueh;kjvuery2riug43phjrfpqu3yrqiuhr4li1y2frpe9;WEIUFPRQ8Y34GFJEQJ32H3HELWUTPRFWEJBFQIWUETYQGEFVPIUYGIUPUGVEJLHGPFQHWOE;FBEOUFY087EFGHWQEVDUIQ3HVSBDLFEQIF[QBE;JHF[OIQWQ;JREWV;JHR;3HQEDV;WBDJ ;WKQHV