What is the best approach to avoid the global warming...
replied to: matti
Replied to: What is the best approach to avoid the global warming......
Hi matti, just plant trees yourself, or help other to do so. And contact your MP and ask why the companies (that have suppressed technologies such as those that permit cars to be run on water) are not being forced to make this technology available.
And why do the governments not lift the bans on growing hemp in many countries? Hemp was banned to eliminate the competition, when man-made-fibres were invented. Hemp is really good for the environment, it will grow where many other crops will not grow and doe not require fertilisers or chemical pest control.
I had never grown trees, but on retirement I purchased some highly degraded and cheap land and have now planted more than 500,000 trees. Into the bargain I have discovered ways to grow trees in really low-rainfall areas - so important when 30% of the world is desert!
replied to: matti
Replied to: What is the best approach to avoid the global warming......
I would suggest air conditioning. Don't worry too much, it won't be warm forever. In fact there's quite a bit of real science that says it's going to get a whole lot colder, maybe in my lifetime.
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: I would suggest air conditioning. Don't worry too much, it won't...
Here's a problem... if the oil runs out, what are we going to use to heat our homes? What are the snow plows going to run on? What if the potatoes run out? The grain crops didn't work out real well in the Little Ice Age.
let's have a potato planting movement! I vote to meet some where air conditioned...
replied to: matti
Replied to: What is the best approach to avoid the global warming......
Really, you must try and see my point of view on this "global warming" farce...if in fact all the hype would be true then unless you have A reservation on A ship leaving the Earth for some distant world there will be no avoiding it...
Our solar system is much more complicated/intricate than scientist would have you believe because there are many in the scientific community that believe that most other humans are far less intelligent than they are....they want you to believe what ever you are told with out question.This whole concept of "global warming" or "climate change" was decidedly made the final indisputable assessment of the peril of man from just A hand full of scientist.Literally thousands of professional scientist around the world openly disputed the science of "global warming" by the hand full of those that considered the debate over. The voices of the tens of thousands(over three thousand PHDs in their field of study)were slandered and were publicly demoralized so they would appear discredited.
Once the infamous "climate gate e-mails" went public and the fraud of global warming exposed the topic did not die but rather took on A new persona as "climate change". The most credible men and women in the scientific field have apposed the scandal in open forum yet even though the fraud has been exposed the elite few carry on with their agenda that make man the cause of the polar caps melting on Mars....
...research the matter and you will find that there are balances in our solar system that have nothing to do with man...what arrogance!How is giving corrupt science trillions of dollars going to do any thing what so ever....we can not control the sun !!!!!
replied to: JamesMcAllister
Replied to: Really, you must try and see my point of view on...
Man. I hope you have a "smart guy tee shirt" so the idiots can see you coming and run.
be careful will ya, yer gonna explode their heads!
:::laughing and rocking and loving what James writes::::
PS...I still want to discuss galactic core explosions...from one tee shirt owner to another
replied to: matti
Replied to: What is the best approach to avoid the global warming......
I have come to the conclusion that we all have a little blame global warming and its consequences and guilt even more politicians who do not slow down.