What happens in the case of a world peak in production?
replied to: tbone
Replied to: What happens in the case of a world peak in production?...
A peak in production could lead to a worldwide oil shortage. Past shortages have been the result of temporary insufficiencies in supply.
replied to: JSDonald
Replied to: A peak in production could lead to a worldwide oil shortage....
Many common products made with oil would become scarce, leading a lower worldwide standard of living.
replied to: swewing
Replied to: Many common products made with oil would become scarce, leading a...
Food prices will rise as fuel costs rise.
replied to: JSDonald
Replied to: A peak in production could lead to a worldwide oil shortage....
Oh geez get some therapy you nit wit.buy a back pack and go to blue mountains for a couple of weeks.
replied to: JSDonald
Replied to: Food prices will rise as fuel costs rise.
Oh geez the crap doom and gloom bullshit talk nostradamus has spoken
replied to: tbone
Replied to: What happens in the case of a world peak in production?...
Industries will stop unless a shift of energy source will be done. solar energy is availabale ,even it is limited ,it is continuos and calls for efficiency.