What cultural, economic, and political traditions tied the American colonies together on the eve of the American Revolution? What events in early colonial history helped to plant the “seeds” of revolution (provide several examples)? Explain how/why the colonies began to demonstrate more colonial "unity"
replied to: nikasha77
Replied to: What cultural, economic, and political traditions tied the American colonies together...
What events in early colonial Christian Louboutin Sandals
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history helped to plant the “seeds” of revolution (provide several examples)? [b
replied to: nikasha77
Replied to: What cultural, economic, and political traditions tied the American colonies together...
Quick clues:American colonies were British founded populated predominantly with British settlers. British Protestant religion. British military trained. Archtecture, furniture, town planning and infrastructure, agriculture, husbandry, sport, medicine, philosophy, music and instruments literary legacy and oh almost forgot...the English language. The War of Independence was between the British army and British settlers plus the French, Dutch, Portugese navies and every privateer in the western hemisphere. American Independence had nothing to do with 90% of Americans who did not settle in America till after 1840. Damn I never mentioned Magna Carta.