What causes ozone layer depletion?
replied to: ayanda2204
Replied to: What causes ozone layer depletion?
Ozone layer depletion, resulting in increased levels of ultraviolet reaching the surface of the Earth, is caused by Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compounds released into the atmosphere. These chemicals do not occur in nature, but were manufactured for a variety of uses, especially as refrigerants, and as propellants in aerosol cans (spray paint, deodorant, etc).
CFCs are non-toxic, nearly indestructable, and they do not interact much with other compounds. Under the right conditions, though, the chlorine in the CFCs interact with ozone in a way that splits the ozone (O3) into molecular and atomic oxygen (O2 and O), without affecting the chlorine. That means that the chlorine is still available to destroy more ozone. This happens in the ozone layer in the Earth's polar regions.
The Montreal Protocol of the late 1980's began the process of banning the production, sale, possession and use of CFCs. Atmospheric concentrations have dropped since then.
There are two main links to climate change.
1. Ultraviolet is highly energetic, and can warm the Earth's surface. It's a small effect.
2. CFCs are potent climate-change chemicals, trapping heat in the atmosphere. Some of the chemicals developed to substitute for CFCs are, too.
United Nations: http://ozone.unep.org/ and http://ozone.unep.org/Assessment_Panels/SAP/Scientific_Assessment_2006/Twenty_Questions.pdf
Columbia University: http://www.ciesin.org/TG/OZ/cfcozn.html
replied to: ayanda2204
Replied to: What causes ozone layer depletion?
Pollusion from green house gases
replied to: ashaaaaaa
Replied to: Pollusion from green house gases
The only gases that produce ozone depletion is CFC's. They are not what we normally think of as greenhouse gases. Carbon dioxide and methane do not cause ozone depletion.
Another parallel with greenhouse gases, though:
The source of ozone depletion, namely CFC gases, was easy to tackle, as they are entirely artificial, and entirely optional - we had easy replacements. So the Montreal Protocol was an easy agreement.
Climate change - not so much... The main greenhouse gases - CO2 and methane - are made naturally and released by many, many of our activities, from raising food, especially animals, to transportation, electrical production, heating..... Much harder to tackle.
But not impossible. And not expensive, either. Way, way cheaper than doing nothing and just letting the catastrophe roll over us and doing nothing. That's why I'm so ashamed by my government (Canada) at this time. We used to be a leader. Now - not so much.
replied to: ayanda2204
Replied to: What causes ozone layer depletion?
The hair spray used by the kardashian sisters come to immediate thought...