What can we do to stop the process of oil depletion?
replied to: Mallorean
Replied to: What can we do to stop the process of oil depletion?...
We can increase our reliance on renewable resources through the widespread use of green solar and wind technologies.
replied to: giotto22
Replied to: We can increase our reliance on renewable resources through the widespread...
A larger pubic transportation infrastructure in countries such as the US would go a long way towards reducing fuel consumption.
replied to: Mallorean
Replied to: What can we do to stop the process of oil depletion?...
Stop using oil and forget the green weenies, there are technologies that have been around for 100 years, called free energy, first discovered by Nicola Tesla. Our planet is electric and this energy can be captured, also water is Hydrogen and oxygen, you can seperate the two using electrical current and run a auto without any modifacation, there is a guy on youtube last I looked but the oil companies will probably knock him off.