As a US citizen and father of a Persian Gulf veteran and long time taxpayer who voted for Democratic Party for 40 years, I'd like to ask our Defense Department officials who I voted for them as I voted for Mr. Obama this question: What kind of rights do you have to tamper with a 7000 years historical landmark of the PERSIAN GULF which has been recognized internationally and by the UNITED NATIONS which we host that world body and a significant member of that world body by breaking the law and call it an illegal term of a.r.a.b.i.a.n gulf? I always thought America’s founding father established our governing system based on law and order, but unfortunately today I see the opposite side of it. For over 300 years of American existence, this is the first attempt by our government to unlawfully and illegally change an ancient LANDMARK which left from the PERSIAN EMPIRES who ran the world for thousands of years and Cyrus of Great left the first DECLERATION of HUMAN RIGHTS ever "please refer to the UNITED NATION CHAPTER and the world ancient history or even Jewish Torah". By doing this awful act, we are hurting, insulting and injuring the hearts of 75 millions Iranians/Persians at home and abroad who are mostly pro US and West. They have been struggling to free Iran from Arab Mullahs regime for 31 years and the Persian Gulf has nothing to do with Iran’s present regime. Iranians are not Arabs they are Persians and they will remain Persians for ever just like Persian Gulf will. With the decision like this American government is loosing trust, support, prestige and respect among all Iranians/Persians who trusted and cared for America and Americans. Some figures show about one million of the American/ Iranian people live, work and vote in American society. Although we have not forgot 9/11 attack on WTC and Pentagon by Saudis, Arabs hijackers who killed more than 3000 of our innocent Americans and the same day Arabs all over the Arab world specially in Saudi Arabia celebrated and danced in the streets passed candies and cookies around and called the attacks punching the nose of Imperialism of America. they also called their newborn boys Osama while they called Osama an Arab hero and the same day I heard in the news that Iranian people used candle lights to commemorate Americans deaths. We all know Al-Qaida is rooted and established, financed by Saudi Arabia royal family and we found out about money transferred to some Saudi hijackers by them. Osama is Arab from Saudi Arabia who architected almost all the recent attacks on American soil and Americans abroad. As I remember our Democrat Presidential Candidate Senator Robert F. Kennedy assassinated in 1968 by an Arab from Jordan named Sirhan Sirhan, Major Hassan an Arab killed Americans, Africa’s duel Embassy bombing by Arabs killed Americans, USS Cole attack by Arabs killed Americans and WTC attack in 1993 by Arabs killed Americans and many more as well. I’d like our Defense Department to read some ancient history and history of terrors in American soil and abroad not just manipulate the ancient history to make Arabs feel good. We can’t change the historical facts because of some little Arab kingdoms around the Persian Gulf region which existed since past 50 years or they were parts of Persian Empire before. Simply because they are buying war machines from us and selling oil and gas to us that does not mean Arabs like America and Americans. Arabs always believed Americans and Westerners are infidels and nonbelievers and must die or convert to Islam’s Sunni Wahabi branch. Only their cruel dictator leaders who are not popular among their own people desperately need our support in order to stay in power, not their population. As my family and I show our displeasure for such a Defense Department horrible decision, but in 2012 election we sure know well who to vote for. May God Bless America