Training workshop - Restorative Practices and Young People
The fundamental unifying hypothesis of
restorative practices is disarmingly simple: that human beings are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes in their behaviour when those in positions of authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them
For example, contemporary youth justice and educational disciplinary practices rely on punishment or sanctions to change behaviour. Schools rely on excluding students involved in rule breaking behaviour.
As the number of excluded students and prison inmates grows unabated, the validity of that approach is very much in question. In a similar vein, social workers doing things for and to children and families have not turned back the tide of abuse and neglect.
What is Restorative Practice ?
Restorative practice inspired by the philosophy and practices of restorative justice which puts repairing harm done to relationships and people over and above the need for assigning blame and dispensing punishment. The restorative approach is based on the belief that the people best placed to resolve a conflict are the people directly involved.
Key values of Restorative Practices
Creates an ethos of respect, inclusion, accountability and taking responsibility, commitment to relationships, impartiality, being non-judgemental, collaboration, empowerment and emotional articulacy.
Key skills of Restorative Practices
Include active listening, facilitating dialogue and problem-solving, listening to and expressing emotion and empowering others to take ownership of problems. Processes and practices include interventions when harm has happened, such as restorative enquiry (aka, in some circumstances , corridor conferences), mediation (aka mini-conferencing), community conferencing (aka group mediation and/or problem-solving circles).
Who is this workshop aimed at?
It is tailored for anybody working with, caring for or involved in the lives of young persons e.g social workers, teachers, community workers etc
It can help participants to identify a variety of applications of these skills to meet the needs of the whole community. The ultimate aim of the training is to build a strong, mutually respectful, safe and inclusive care/school /community in which everyone feels valued and heard.
The potential advantages of restorative approaches in any given setting include:
•A safer, more caring environment
•A more effective teaching and learning environment
•A greater commitment by everyone to taking the time to listen to one another
•A reduction in bullying and other interpersonal conflicts
•A greater awareness of the importance of connectedness to young people. The need to belong and feel valued by peers and significant adults
•Greater emphasis on responses to inappropriate behaviour that seek to reconnect, and not further disconnect, young people
•Reductions in fixed term and permanent exclusions
•A greater confidence in the staff team to deal with challenging situations
•An increased belief in the ability of young people to take responsibility for their choices, and more people giving them opportunities to do so
TIME 9.30 AM – 4PM
Email : info@corestaffing.ie
Phone: T: 018359747 / 0877911104
The fundamental unifying hypothesis of
restorative practices is disarmingly simple: that human beings are happier, more cooperative and productive, and more likely to make positive changes in their behaviour when those in positions of authority do things with them, rather than to them or for them
For example, contemporary youth justice and educational disciplinary practices rely on punishment or sanctions to change behaviour. Schools rely on excluding students involved in rule breaking behaviour.
As the number of excluded students and prison inmates grows unabated, the validity of that approach is very much in question. In a similar vein, social workers doing things for and to children and families have not turned back the tide of abuse and neglect.
What is Restorative Practice ?
Restorative practice inspired by the philosophy and practices of restorative justice which puts repairing harm done to relationships and people over and above the need for assigning blame and dispensing punishment. The restorative approach is based on the belief that the people best placed to resolve a conflict are the people directly involved.
Key values of Restorative Practices
Creates an ethos of respect, inclusion, accountability and taking responsibility, commitment to relationships, impartiality, being non-judgemental, collaboration, empowerment and emotional articulacy.
Key skills of Restorative Practices
Include active listening, facilitating dialogue and problem-solving, listening to and expressing emotion and empowering others to take ownership of problems. Processes and practices include interventions when harm has happened, such as restorative enquiry (aka, in some circumstances , corridor conferences), mediation (aka mini-conferencing), community conferencing (aka group mediation and/or problem-solving circles).
Who is this workshop aimed at?
It is tailored for anybody working with, caring for or involved in the lives of young persons e.g social workers, teachers, community workers etc
It can help participants to identify a variety of applications of these skills to meet the needs of the whole community. The ultimate aim of the training is to build a strong, mutually respectful, safe and inclusive care/school /community in which everyone feels valued and heard.
The potential advantages of restorative approaches in any given setting include:
•A safer, more caring environment
•A more effective teaching and learning environment
•A greater commitment by everyone to taking the time to listen to one another
•A reduction in bullying and other interpersonal conflicts
•A greater awareness of the importance of connectedness to young people. The need to belong and feel valued by peers and significant adults
•Greater emphasis on responses to inappropriate behaviour that seek to reconnect, and not further disconnect, young people
•Reductions in fixed term and permanent exclusions
•A greater confidence in the staff team to deal with challenging situations
•An increased belief in the ability of young people to take responsibility for their choices, and more people giving them opportunities to do so
TIME 9.30 AM – 4PM
Email : info@corestaffing.ie
Phone: T: 018359747 / 0877911104