A website gave me info about women of Iran like:
Tens of thousands of women have been executed in Iran since 1979, when the mullahs took power. They were executed on political grounds, for their opposition to the policies of the ruling government. Among those executed were tens of pregnant women.
The worst kinds of torture are inflicted on women prisoners who oppose the regime. These include repeated sexual assaults, amputation of body parts and........
Women played a very active role in the 40,000 teachers' demonstrations outside the Majlls on January 12, 2002. In these series of demonstrations, a number of women were arrested and imprisoned on charges of just participating in a demonstration.
At least 22 women have been sentenced to stoning or stoned to death during Khatami`s tenture.
Girls between ages 10 to 17 are prime victims of sexual slavery in Iran. In Tehran alone, 4000 street girls roam the city of daily basis and are subjected to sexual and physical violence. Reports indicate that 90% of the runaway girls end up in prositution or sold in Persian Gulf human trafficking market. Women and girls bare the brunt of Iran`s poor economic conditions.
700,000 children, aged 10 to 14, work in black labor market in Iran. The latest statistics released by Iran`s Organization of Management and Planning shows that 51% of the country`s population live below the poverty line.
But that is what I heard and If you know anything about the history reply back! please!!!!
Tens of thousands of women have been executed in Iran since 1979, when the mullahs took power. They were executed on political grounds, for their opposition to the policies of the ruling government. Among those executed were tens of pregnant women.
The worst kinds of torture are inflicted on women prisoners who oppose the regime. These include repeated sexual assaults, amputation of body parts and........
Women played a very active role in the 40,000 teachers' demonstrations outside the Majlls on January 12, 2002. In these series of demonstrations, a number of women were arrested and imprisoned on charges of just participating in a demonstration.
At least 22 women have been sentenced to stoning or stoned to death during Khatami`s tenture.
Girls between ages 10 to 17 are prime victims of sexual slavery in Iran. In Tehran alone, 4000 street girls roam the city of daily basis and are subjected to sexual and physical violence. Reports indicate that 90% of the runaway girls end up in prositution or sold in Persian Gulf human trafficking market. Women and girls bare the brunt of Iran`s poor economic conditions.
700,000 children, aged 10 to 14, work in black labor market in Iran. The latest statistics released by Iran`s Organization of Management and Planning shows that 51% of the country`s population live below the poverty line.
But that is what I heard and If you know anything about the history reply back! please!!!!