Please join me in the most cost effective means (most by over a factor of 1,000) of mitigating global warming, which is to save tropical rainforest from destruction. (I give some calculations of this further below)
You can save 20 acres of rainforest (which stores about 200 tons of carbon per acre) for a mere 10 dollars via this link: http://www.rainforesttrust.org/acres-for-50cents/ . And the first $200,000 of donations this year will be doubled by a matching challenge.
After giving, you can share with others via these social networking tools: http://www.rainforesttrust.org/social-media/ .
If you wish to give by check, please make the check payable to Rainforest Trust (with Sierra del Divisor in the memo or "for" area of the check) and please mail the check to: Rainforest Trust, 25 Horner St., Warrenton, VA 20186.
The Rainforest Trust is a 4 star rated charity (by Charity Navigator) and over 90% of all donates go to saving specific rainforest acres (by land purchase or establishment of preserves and parks). 100% of donations to the Sierra del Divisor project go to saving acres of rainforest (less a small transaction fee charged by Network for Good for credit card payments).
As a method to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, saving an acre of rainforest for $0.50 is over 1,000 times more cost effective than buying a hybrid or electric car (rather than a conventional gas-powered car) or installing solar panels on your home, each of which cost well over $1,000 and each individually do less to prevent carbon dioxide emissions than saving one acre of rainforest. This 1,000+ ratio holds true in comparison to other alternatives as well.
Here are some interesting bits of information that you may find informative, interesting and/or motivating:
1. I have much skin in the game: I have funded projects to save over 500,000 acres of rainforest this year, and have committed to fund another 500,000 acres (I will fund the great majority of this in 2014).
2. Much due diligence behind this project: During 2014, I spent many weeks of full time work searching for the most cost effective ways to save rainforest (visiting the Amazon twice and working with many conservation charities) to develop the most cost effective projects to save rainforest. This project is the result, and others will follow. Note that I gobbled up (via donations) all other cost effective projects I could find during 2013, making it necessary to push charities to develop larger projects, such as this one.
3. I am a fiduciary with respect to this project: I recently joined the Rainforest Trust board.
While I am new to this group, I am very serious about this issue. Since retiring as a venture capitalists last year, I have become aware of the full potential threat of global warming through much study and research, and have become obsessed with pursuing the most cost-effective means to mitigate global warming. You can read a bit more about my background here: http://www.rainforesttrust.org/about/our-board-of-directors/ .
You can save 20 acres of rainforest (which stores about 200 tons of carbon per acre) for a mere 10 dollars via this link: http://www.rainforesttrust.org/acres-for-50cents/ . And the first $200,000 of donations this year will be doubled by a matching challenge.
After giving, you can share with others via these social networking tools: http://www.rainforesttrust.org/social-media/ .
If you wish to give by check, please make the check payable to Rainforest Trust (with Sierra del Divisor in the memo or "for" area of the check) and please mail the check to: Rainforest Trust, 25 Horner St., Warrenton, VA 20186.
The Rainforest Trust is a 4 star rated charity (by Charity Navigator) and over 90% of all donates go to saving specific rainforest acres (by land purchase or establishment of preserves and parks). 100% of donations to the Sierra del Divisor project go to saving acres of rainforest (less a small transaction fee charged by Network for Good for credit card payments).
As a method to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, saving an acre of rainforest for $0.50 is over 1,000 times more cost effective than buying a hybrid or electric car (rather than a conventional gas-powered car) or installing solar panels on your home, each of which cost well over $1,000 and each individually do less to prevent carbon dioxide emissions than saving one acre of rainforest. This 1,000+ ratio holds true in comparison to other alternatives as well.
Here are some interesting bits of information that you may find informative, interesting and/or motivating:
1. I have much skin in the game: I have funded projects to save over 500,000 acres of rainforest this year, and have committed to fund another 500,000 acres (I will fund the great majority of this in 2014).
2. Much due diligence behind this project: During 2014, I spent many weeks of full time work searching for the most cost effective ways to save rainforest (visiting the Amazon twice and working with many conservation charities) to develop the most cost effective projects to save rainforest. This project is the result, and others will follow. Note that I gobbled up (via donations) all other cost effective projects I could find during 2013, making it necessary to push charities to develop larger projects, such as this one.
3. I am a fiduciary with respect to this project: I recently joined the Rainforest Trust board.
While I am new to this group, I am very serious about this issue. Since retiring as a venture capitalists last year, I have become aware of the full potential threat of global warming through much study and research, and have become obsessed with pursuing the most cost-effective means to mitigate global warming. You can read a bit more about my background here: http://www.rainforesttrust.org/about/our-board-of-directors/ .