The 4 Most Common Reasons to Get a Smart Lipo
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Smart lipo is an innovative approach to conventional liposuction. It presents a method that is a safer and less expensive treatment.

The FDA approved the smart lipo in November 2006, and since then, thousands of people have been benefitting from the perfectly calibrated laser that liquefies fat deposits in fat cells, allowing for the liquid to get out of the body through a minuscule incision made in the skin. As the laser zaps the fat, it also seals blood vessels, diminishing the side effects that are so normal in conventional liposuction: swelling, bruising, and bleeding.

Smart lipo is commonly chosen by people who want to sculpt their bodies and reduce their total body mass. Among the most common reasons why patients get a smart lipo, the main 4 are:

1. Chubby face
Smart lipo can easily be done to the face because it uses a small cannula to reach the treated areas.

A chubby face normally presents a double chin and fatty cheeks, which are problem areas that can be targeted with the smart lipo.

2. Fatty areas in the body
Even if you exercise and diet regularly, there are some areas in the body that just don’t seem to want to slim down. After they are formed, some fatty tissues in certain body areas can’t be easily eliminated. Smart lipo can get rid of fat in arms, abdomen, back, buttocks, and thighs, to help you mold your figure.

3. Uneven figure
Some women accumulate fat in the lower part of their bodies, especially around the hips and thighs, while others accumulate fat in the upper part, around the limbs and torso area. A smart lipo helps you get rid of excess fat in any of these areas to even your upper and lower body figure and make it more attractive.

4. Upholding a healthy lifestyle
A person who is determined to get in shape and improve his or her general wellbeing by dieting and exercising, can get a boost through a smart lipo, because it will motivate him or her to stick to a healthy lifestyle.

Smart lipo results will be enhanced if the person chooses to eat healthy and exercise regularly after the procedure.

One thing is certain, smart lipo is becoming a very popular alternative to conventional liposuction in Denver, because it does not require a large incision. It is performed under local anesthesia, and it is a fast procedure, one to two hours tops, depending on the area being treated.

Smart lipo is not invasive at all, you can be up and running after 24 to 48 hours of being treated, but it is important that you follow the doctor’s instructions and respect the appointments with your Denver smart lipo doctor to make sure the wound is properly taken care of and healed. This is an important part of getting the highest results out of a smart lipo procedure.

Rachel Clarkson
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