replied to: boo8
Replied to: Should we trust Obama?
Your a stupid person! what kind of question is that!!! yes we can trust him!!!
replied to: boo1
Replied to: Your a stupid person! what kind of question is that!!! yes...
I totally agree stay off line you stupid idiot!! your such a BOGUS PERSON!!!!
replied to: boo8
Replied to: Should we trust Obama?
Jesus is more trustful than Obama only we can bank to him our earthly leadership.Bt pls stop asking silly qns it makes you bogas 10 times.
replied to: boo8
Replied to: Should we trust Obama?
Never!!! This man is a complete fraud! If anyone wants to worship at this fools feet, fine! I would rather eat shit!
replied to: boo1
Replied to: Your a stupid person! what kind of question is that!!! yes...
replied to: boo8
Replied to: Should we trust Obama?
replied to: vice64
How many computer names are you going to make up? you can fool some people, but not me. Your syntax gives you away
I suggest you get a road cone costume and go play in the highway...its safer and less annoying
replied to: boo8
Replied to: Should we trust Obama?
"Can we trust Obama?" I say YES WE CAN
replied to: boo8
Replied to: Should we trust Obama?
No he is black and smelly .
replied to: boo8
Replied to: Should we trust Obama?
I'll not put my trust in any man! I voted for him because I thought it was right! I was manipulated, just as all were through the internet! He used the www very effectively, and still begs for donations even though not needed for the 2012 campaign!
replied to: zohan
Replied to: "Can we trust Obama?" I say YES WE CAN
Your Messed Up Nobody Can Trust Obama. Dam!
replied to: boo8
Replied to: Should we trust Obama?
replied to: boo8
Replied to: Should we trust Obama?
I dont know as Ive left opened a new suspicion I have of him.
replied to: ChevarimbenHashem
Replied to: I'll not put my trust in any man! I voted for...
We all make wrong decisions in life and if we are manipulated or mislead for the wrong reasons ( Voting Obama)and our motives were good we have nothing to be ashamed or dissapointed about.They are the guilty, playing on our goodness for their selfish,misleading agendas.We will not get caught that way again but we could get some other way.If our motives are, for what we consider, honest, Good etc we learn and move on.Rem Every road has a turning no matter how long the road.
The only Humans I know I could trust are My Parents.
And As it says In God We trust.I could name another few but it would be irrelevent.
God Bless You All
replied to: boo8
Replied to: Should we trust Obama?
Absolutely not!!!!!
He denies he is Muslim but his actions show he is for Islam. In Islam the practice of "taqyiaa" allows a Muslim to lie or deceive IF it will serve their purpose or prevent them from being charged with a crime. He uses taqyiaa all the time. I get embarassed for him the way he can stand and LIE with such sincerity.
His agenda is to bring down America so Islam can take over and the One World Government can come into being. Right now they are trying to get Shariah Law into our nation. They also are causing slaughter houses to kill animals under the code of Halal which means the animals are sacrificed to Allah. This is part of Shariah Law and is one way they are infiltrating our nation. I think the mosques are Trojan Horses and we will rue the day we allowed them to be built.
(READ "AVAM-Avenging America" by Veronica DeTerre or if you want to know more about Islam and terrorists)
Allah is NOT YHWH (Who is the Almighty Creator and ONLY TRUE GOD) Allah is the moon god and a satanic deity.
YHWH ( God's true Name usually spelled Yahweh) is LOVE and He sent His only Son to die for our sins. Allah has no son and has no love. What kind of idiot would worship a god that tells young men (and women) to strap on explosives and blow themselves and others up?
And if you say anything about Islam or Mohammed, they will attack you like a pack of rabid dogs!
I don't trust Obama and I believe he has no real love for America. When he was asked what the hardest thing about being the president was, his answer was personal about him and how it couldn't do what he wanted and didn't have privacy anymore. No mention of sending young men and women off to war to perhaps die! Which I think would be the hardest for a president that truly cared about the nation and its troops.
replied to: JamesDMcAllister
Replied to: Never!!! This man is a complete fraud! If anyone wants to...
It would be more effective if you mentioned something that you DIDNT like doing.
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: How many computer names are you going to make up? you...
And trust me.. Dawn knows about annoying. She is the very definition of it.