I am looking for information about Ramon Garcia. He was born in Spain in 1778. It was believed in Trinidad that he was the natural son of a member of the Spanish Royal family. According to family tradition, in order to avoid scandal, he was sent as a young boy from Spain to Caracas in the care of his chaplain, in his own ship, amply provided for with money and valuables. It is said that he took the name of his chaplain, Garcia. In Trinidad, Ramon, his son George and grandson George Lewis all displayed the Castle of Castille on gold watches, silver,china and stationary. At a early age Ramon was appointed Governor and Commander-in-chief of Guyana, where his conduct, under difficult circumstances received the approbation of the King of Spain who granted him a pension for life which, however, he never claimed. All these circumstances said to be pointing to some connection with the Spanish Royal family. Ramon married his wife, Vicenta, in Caracas on 24th October 1801. They had eight children, So I am wondering if anyone one might know of any info on Ramon who his parent's are etc. Will mean so much:)