I am really starting to get mad because people do not think there trash is going to harm the world in any way so they litter their garbage to the ground instead of recycling it or disposing it in the nearest waste basket. I just do not get it. All I want is for our world to be the cleanest place it can be. Why can't people pick up after themselves? I mean our planet could come to an end if they do not help take care of the world. All of us users should put up posters in local businesses about global warming to help stop people from loitering there waste.
replied to: amwo7o6
Replied to: I am really starting to get mad because people do not...
I do agree that the method in which human waste is contended with is, at best, 'pitiful'...however there is not 'global warming' in the sense that is being propagandised by the puppet elite. That is a ruse designed to bilk the wealth of the world in the form of a 'tax'. Think about it....if the people of this Earth hand over billions of dollars in taxes to the fraudulant carbon issue,the theroritical evil poisonious gas, how would it be fixed? The land fills are filling up with refuse that could otherwise be converted into energy...some governments do this but not enough.There is no man made global warming yet I do believe that we as a human race are definitlty making a mess of things....why are the government scripted media no longer covering the Fukishima
catastrophy in Japan? That is a real issue not climate change!
replied to: amwo7o6
Replied to: I am really starting to get mad because people do not...
Im george and i suck and have no brain
replied to: GAYgoergegay
Replied to: Im george and i suck and have no brain
Lol really??
replied to: amwo7o6
Replied to: I am really starting to get mad because people do not...
If the entire human race can just take notice of and do something about it,the earth will end in 5 billion years time,not 150(or less)!This is a infuriating problem that we all(some,at least) want to overcome and yet there are some who obstruct the right to justice for the animals who died due to the (killer) advancement of the human race.Why do we complain that we dont win the lottery,food price is going up,and that neighbour is noisy when we can just pick up the piece of thrash lying on the very bit of ground in front of you?Is it really worth?To lose the entire human race when life in the Universe is such a rarity?Are humans stupid?Or are they just simply ignorant?Humans can be stupid,and blow the planet up,or can be at least as smart as an Orang Utan(my favourite type of monkey)and protect its future generations.If Orang Utan can do it, humanoids also can do it!!!!!!!!
replied to: luciusho23
Replied to: If the entire human race can just take notice of and...
Scientists have looked carefully at each of these factors. The only one where the data matches up is greenhouse gases -- levels of these gases have risen sharply as we burn more fossil fuels. If liberals were really interested in solving the problem, and not interested only in bashing industrialized nations, They would look for real solutions, The most logical solution is to increase oxygen in the atmosphere, rather than slow industrialization. One average size tree produces enough oxygen for breathing of 25 people. The average new home built would add 5 new trees to the world's best oxygen producers A simple solution in the US Is to force the US Government to release some of the millions an millions of acres, they are holding away from the people to control demographers for political reasons. GB advocates have already starved 100 millions Africans to death with their Western bashing agenda. Trees not only pump oxygen into the atmosphere they also pump moisture into the air. It doesn't rain much any more in Africa because most of the trees have been cut down in Africa and the Mid east.
replied to: leonardabbott916
Replied to: Scientists have looked carefully at each of these factors. The only...
There are counties in several states, with less than 500 people, land owners in these counties keep control over countie Government, by using different means. Protecting the environment to control population groath, is one way demographs ,Endangered species is another way used to keep people from making a living off the land. Gridlock in Washington makes it impossible for the whole Country to emerge from the present economic slump. "Occupying the land" movement is a good way to help Washington break theBig business and Government control of the environmental movement has ruined the economy, and does very little good for the environment. This is because it allows the worse polluters to decide what is good and what is bad for the environment. There are hundreds of things that could be done other than Western bashing to solve the problem, Instead of dumping wast water into our rivers ,lakes our drinking water, every drop should be used to grow more trees Scientists have looked carefully at each of these factors. The only one where the data matches up is greenhouse gases -- levels of these gases have risen sharply as we burn more fossil fuels. If liberals were really interested in solving the problem, and not interested only in bashing industrialized nations, They would look for real solutions, The most logical solution is to increase oxygen in the atmosphere, rather than slow industrialization. One average size tree produces enough oxygen for breathing of 25 people. The average new home built would add 5 new trees to the world's best oxygen producers A simple solution in the US Is to force the US Government to release some of the millions an millions of acres, they are holding away from the people to control demographers for political reasons. GB advocates have already starved 100 millions Africans to death with their Western bashing agenda. Trees not only pump oxygen into the atmosphere they also pump moisture into the air. It doesn't rain much any more in Africa because most of the trees have been cut down in Africa and the Mid east. present gridlock..