Years ago I was a fan of days, then real life interfered for a time. I have been watching oltl, but with them nearing extinction, I thought I'd see how days was doing. the stoy lines are pretty good, and easy to pick up on, the characters are still pretty much the same. so far so good. but...... what's the botox faces on almost all the women? from eyebrows to upperlip, you can't tell one emotion from another with these babes. it is so creepy trying to watch their plastic faces express ANYthing at all. and also what's with the alien bright blue eyes on so many of them? I feel like I'm watching children of the corn or some such sci-fi thing. real honestly, it's easier to listen to the show from another room-like listening to the radio-than watch the inexpressive scenes with so many of the female cast. let's have a wrinkle or two, and a facial twitch now and then. meantime, I'm checking out some other soaps looking for better viewing.