As a mother I understand that babies get rashes...sometimes "ear splitting" painful rashes. After having two I know that the rashes have several reasons.
I have tried Luvs (once per child to save money) and both my children broke out into a rash immediately with no sign of a reason (cutting teeth or other infection in there body makeup). I also didn't like the smell of the diaper too, and felt they were too cheaply made.
I stuck with Pampers from then on for both my kids and never experience a rash....One time my second had a rash once but that was because of cutting teeth..since then ALL i every buy is sensitive wipes never had a rash since...may not need them but feel comfortable purchasing them still to this day.
I think (much like food you try to get your picky eater to eat) you should try Pampers several times and give it another chance. Only once did my children break out into a rash and it was slight...I trust Pampers diapers, and feel confident in there absorbence...
I think perhaps children might be teething thus both changes are made they reacts with the chemical.
I felt VERY strongly when I listened to that report, because I am a FAITHFUL Pampers purchaser and they have not changed their quality in all the years I have been putting them on my children!
I have tried Luvs (once per child to save money) and both my children broke out into a rash immediately with no sign of a reason (cutting teeth or other infection in there body makeup). I also didn't like the smell of the diaper too, and felt they were too cheaply made.
I stuck with Pampers from then on for both my kids and never experience a rash....One time my second had a rash once but that was because of cutting teeth..since then ALL i every buy is sensitive wipes never had a rash since...may not need them but feel comfortable purchasing them still to this day.
I think (much like food you try to get your picky eater to eat) you should try Pampers several times and give it another chance. Only once did my children break out into a rash and it was slight...I trust Pampers diapers, and feel confident in there absorbence...
I think perhaps children might be teething thus both changes are made they reacts with the chemical.
I felt VERY strongly when I listened to that report, because I am a FAITHFUL Pampers purchaser and they have not changed their quality in all the years I have been putting them on my children!