We at LiquidForex work with CEOs, CFOs, Partners, Successful business owners, and high net worth individuals worldwide and introducing brokers. Our trader has an excellent risk to reward ratio. He has a been averaging between 3-6% monthly returns. Below is the outline of our managed Forex account program.
FX MANAGED ACCOUNTS: Our most popular product is called the DMOFX2 managed account program; Client funds allocated to this service will be managed by our third party head trader,Dana OKeefe, a highly experienced FOREX trader from Boston. He has been trading currency futures and options for over 10 years and has worked as a chief trader of different trading desks of various companies throughout Boston. With his remarkable professional experience as a trader and financial consultant, he has developed a highly successful and remarkably consistent FOREX trading strategy. His conservative day trading strategy combined with a low-risk approach to money management can provide a very attractive return on investment and long-term capital growth prospects.
Since inception all profitable months.
30% Maximum draw-down.
Target consistent 3-6% per month.
Account Minimum: $25,000 USD.
Investors have 24/7 real time online access to their accounts.
Investors receive real time email alerts for every trade executed.
Investors can make deposits at any point and time of the month. Withdrawals can be made once a month for any amount as long as the account balance does not fall under $25,000. All accounts are off-shore, Non USA clients only.
Track records: liquidforex777@gmail.com
Best regards, Michael King Account Development Specialist LiquidFOREX
To open accounts email or call 24 hours a day at: liquidforex777@gmail.com
Skype ID: Forex-king
We at LiquidForex work with CEOs, CFOs, Partners, Successful business owners, and high net worth individuals worldwide and introducing brokers. Our trader has an excellent risk to reward ratio. He has a been averaging between 3-6% monthly returns. Below is the outline of our managed Forex account program.
FX MANAGED ACCOUNTS: Our most popular product is called the DMOFX2 managed account program; Client funds allocated to this service will be managed by our third party head trader,Dana OKeefe, a highly experienced FOREX trader from Boston. He has been trading currency futures and options for over 10 years and has worked as a chief trader of different trading desks of various companies throughout Boston. With his remarkable professional experience as a trader and financial consultant, he has developed a highly successful and remarkably consistent FOREX trading strategy. His conservative day trading strategy combined with a low-risk approach to money management can provide a very attractive return on investment and long-term capital growth prospects.
Since inception all profitable months.
30% Maximum draw-down.
Target consistent 3-6% per month.
Account Minimum: $25,000 USD.
Investors have 24/7 real time online access to their accounts.
Investors receive real time email alerts for every trade executed.
Investors can make deposits at any point and time of the month. Withdrawals can be made once a month for any amount as long as the account balance does not fall under $25,000. All accounts are off-shore, Non USA clients only.
Track records: liquidforex777@gmail.com
Best regards, Michael King Account Development Specialist LiquidFOREX
To open accounts email or call 24 hours a day at: liquidforex777@gmail.com
Skype ID: Forex-king