Now I am no rabbi but it dosent take a rabbi to "Look at it for what it is!" The Hawaiian remnant are from the lost tribes of Israel. The ancient religion of Hawaiians is very Israelite; It was a system of Kehunna, tamples, prophets, and even sacrifice. By the way the word "Kehunna" is a Hebrew word meaning "Preasthood". And is founded on a very pure form of the creation story of genisis (the first book of the bible) In fact in some respects it seems to be more compleat. I'm sure some of you know it or have heard it, but let this Jew take a stab at it....In the beginning a trinity of GODS essence existed called Kane, Ku, and Lono, This was the creation source that brought light into chaos. they then created the heavens and all its hosts, three heavens in number. (see 2 Corinthians 12:1-3)If you have a bible. In the hawaiin account of when man was created his body was created from red clay (The Hebrew name for the first man "Adam" means "Red"). Coinsidence? NOT! It gets better; The Hawwain like the Hebrew records the woman also being made from the rib of the man....(Genisis 2) The newly created pair created by (the triune GOD) Kane, Ku, and Lono then placed them into a beautiful paradise (Genisis 1:26)... and GOD said, let US form man in our own image... Now you know the rest of the story and it all lines up with the original Hebrew version. all the way to the tribe of "Menasseh" of which the Hawaiian comes. There are so many other comparisons between the hawiian and the lost tribe of Israel that it would take me a full day to list them, but I assure you that you will be convinced of your true identity when I was done. SO what happened? I will try to tell you in a brief summery; Your ancesters were there at the parting of the red sea, and at Mt. Sinai with Moses, and they there entered into a blood covenant with The Most High GOD. They later broke it. and fell under the curse as a result, and you know all about that...because that curse involved the loss of land, plauges, and being scattered. not to mention loosing your true identity. Now this was all a result of Idolitry (worship of wood and stone ect ect.) So you might say you are under that curse. Now what has to be done to lift the curse??? This I know how to do! and once it is lifted you will share in the blessings connected to the new covenant you will enter. I love this mystery and look forward to sharing it with you so E-Mail me at tommyservices@yahoo.com