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Is global warming real? or is it a cover up for a gavernment issue
replied to: cody88
Replied to: Is global warming real? or is it a cover up for...
I am a Maldivian.. If you haven't heard of Maldives, its a small country in the middle of indian ocean.. the small islands of Maldives is under threat of global warming..
replied to: cody88
Replied to: Is global warming real? or is it a cover up for...
Of course, not! It's absolutely evident, that Green Peace is completely commercial organization/they don't do anything according the rules of the Nature. Look at the climate to-day!!! Could you speak more about warming?
the same story as in 70-s , when they spoke about global coldness.
replied to: grymile
Replied to: I am a Maldivian.. If you haven't heard of Maldives, its...
"Under Threat" Now that is a word used to instill Terror. Many things are "Under Threat". To Fear is quite universal and is always exploited by those that seek to enrich themselves at the expense of others. Pay money, Carbon Tax every venture, reduce all technology, mining, heating, cooling, food production, clothing manufacture, transportation, medical production. Eventually the earth will repay you for your diligence? I think not. Humans will be harshly punished for ignorance. The Georgia Guidestones want the earth's inhabitants reduced to less then 1/6th of today. Are you ready for that? That is easily the result of stopping everything on earth..
replied to: cody88
Replied to: Is global warming real? or is it a cover up for...
Yes global warming is real,cause i hve noticed changes in the enironment myself from last year!!! the summers are getting hotter and hotter
replied to: vijval
Replied to: Yes global warming is real,cause i hve noticed changes in the...
"It was hotter today than yesterday, so it must be Global Warming". Fact: The Sun is gradually going into 'Red Giant' stage. Fact: The Earth is being slowly sucked into the Sun.. Now THAT is Global Warming..
"Never mistake Education for Intelligence. The Intelligent person will Educate him/her self, an Educated Person, is as Intelligent as they will ever be"..
replied to: cody88
Replied to: Is global warming real? or is it a cover up for...
What could the government possibly hope to cover up by saying that global warming is happening? An effort to create a more environmentally friendly nation?
Besides that, global warming is definitely a trend supported by the evidence (not just collected by the US but other nations as well as multinational organizations). The question is whether it is a natural cycle or caused by human actions.
replied to: cody88
Replied to: Is global warming real? or is it a cover up for...
The term 'global warming' is a dumbed down version of the more correct term 'climate change'.
the climate is always changing. Is it changing radically and in a way that can be predicted? maybe. Will there be some kind of abrupt shift? possibly but there's no way to predict it or the conditions that will result from such a shift.
Undoubtedly many large governments, including ours in the US, love to hear their citizens believing so completely in their ability to affect something so large as the planet's overall climate or to use that issue to 'cover up' some dastardly scheme.
climate change is real.
absolute government power is not.
our ability to affect a reversal in climate change is ludicrous
replied to: Blogengeezer
Replied to: "It was hotter today than yesterday, so it must be Global...
Be careful...your humor is very cleverly masked and I don't sense a great deal of intelligence at this party. You'll have them all screaming about anti-sun sucking regulations in a minute
replied to: cody88
Replied to: Is global warming real? or is it a cover up for...
Global warming is an absolute and total scam! The verdict is in and many people are waking up to this...try and explain why the IMF requires 100billion dollars annually in revenues collected from major countries(in the form of A tax) to combat CO2 in the atmosphere? Does the IMF have some immense planet size CO2 scrubber we must all pay A fee to use? NO!!! This is an attempt to combat the sovereignty of free nations and control the wealth of the world....A global tax will not make the "alleged" evil CO2 gas disappear but will effectively make all your money vanish!!! Do not believe this total lie! Do not be fooled! There is no global warming but instead I issue to all of you A "global Warning"...beware carbon offsets and Cap and Trade...scam scam scam!
replied to: Blogengeezer
Replied to: "It was hotter today than yesterday, so it must be Global...
What? I must inquire where in the world are you collecting data to support your "facts"? I am at A bit of A loss here as I find it extremely difficult to follow your words of wisdom...or the lack there-of....
replied to: JamesMcAllister
Replied to: What? I must inquire where in the world are you collecting...
Slide Rules, Vacuum tubes and Univacs, for years predicted 'Brown Dwarf' Sun, and nice mellow (cold) Earth.
Viola...enter 'Computer Modeling' (buzzword). It says highly unlikely. Latest scenario is as previously stated. All outer planets in solar system, gleefully fly off to live Happily ever after..
Of course with Earth 5/8ths to 3/4ths through it's life expectancy, that is approx 1.2 Billion Yrs from present. What? we are getting that Old? "Time sure flies when we are having fun"
replied to: Blogengeezer
Replied to: Slide Rules, Vacuum tubes and Univacs, for years predicted 'Brown Dwarf'...
That is actually very funny!!! I believe that if in fact the Earth will exist an additional 1.5 billion years there really is not A whole bunch to be worried about. All the fossil fuels will be used up, A new ice age will come and go 100 more times and an entire new race of "beings" will be here drilling the ooze out of the newly formed Earth consisting of our liquefied remains...but at least we are having fun, as you so eloquently put it!
replied to: JamesMcAllister
Replied to: That is actually very funny!!! I believe that if in fact...
James, Here is one 'Permo-Triassic' extinction event I enjoy watching. Be sure to see all 5 parts. Now This was a dandy and not one SUV involved :>)
The 'Siberian Traps'
replied to: Blogengeezer
Replied to: James, Here is one 'Permo-Triassic' extinction event I enjoy watching. Be...
Yes....I have seen this one and will most definitely watch it has had the most insignificant "foot print" on this old sphere....of course there is climate change,it always occurs....(the pure evolution of the species on planet Earth) If "mankind" wants to play up the "intelligence" card, well great,good luck with wont amount to A fresh pile of ant shit one million years from now....the dinosaurs lived millions of years and A huge rock from space took them out...humans have existed about twenty five thousand years(with some semblance of intelligence)and we will take our selves out.....more than most likely........
replied to: JamesMcAllister
Replied to: What? I must inquire where in the world are you collecting...
Oh fell for it
sorry, I know we've moved past it but...anti sun sucking....really
:::shaking head, wiping away tears of hilarity:::
if anyone knows where to find facts to support the whole global warming is a hoax, keep your hand on your wallet and your attention on the global socialization agenda its my good friend Blogengeezer, the man responsible for waking me up (well him and Bob Carter).
Follow his links and they'll lead you to sanity and truth as well as entertain you.
Now, back to the serious discussion. Sorry, I just had to say something. That was great!
Blog, I saw the Permian extinction thing before as well. It was one of the things that got me interested in the 'global warming debate'. Good stuff. Thanks for the link. I wanted my kids to see it too.
One last comment, do either of you see God's hand in the strange calmness of the Holocene as compared to the rest of our climate history? I mean, we had a few ice ages but over all it's been pretty mild for a suspiciously relevant amount of time. Obviously, I see a connection here but I wonder if anyone else does.
It makes me wonder if we really know what actual miracles look like.
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Oh fell for it
sorry, I know...
Dawn you always know how to bring entertainment into any group :>) What would we do without you? You are a 'Fun Date' for sure. James knows about the 'Man behind the curtain'. He has figured out what drive$ the AGW Mysticism. He is actually on our side. We all swing the "Light Saber". Hopefully with skill and accuracy (beats wildly 'buzzing' the air:>)
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Oh fell for it
sorry, I know...
Okay, you got me. I can take A little egg on my face.
I find the discussions here quite nice and intelligent.It really is refreshing to have open and straight forward debate/discussion with knowledgeable people.
I usually steer away from topics that involve God or the like as it has in the past only turned into heated debates that really end up sour in the stomach. I do indeed believe in God and that belief is between He and I...but for some reason I think you are one of the "good people"....
I truly believe that miracles are happening all the time everywhere around us and as the human race blurs through the daily grind of life "we" miss so much...God sees all and I believe that He allows certain many things to take course with out his times I wonder why but who am I to question Him?
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Oh fell for it
sorry, I know...
Dawn, Good thing we didn't 'Pop' into the picture during the midst of the 'Jurassic'. We are not quite fast enough as bipeds (we can barely even catch a Chicken). We are also quite fragile. Our own skin design is one step up from that of the 'Mole Rat':>)
Our line of DNA would not have stretched very long. We would have been 'protein' for the top predators. Our little 'pointy sticks' would not have been very effective against their 'Kevlar'.
Yes Dawn, agreed the Holocene is very nice. Poor 'Troglodytes', they don't know what they missed. If only they had held out for just a little longer. Now those 'Clovis' gangs (near my 'Hood') had the right idea...well sorta.
Their Sport was like a 'Midnight Madness' at the meat market, but failed to abide by the rule of the 'Chow Line'. "Take What You Want, But Eat What You Take". They got carried away in the heat of the Hunt. Sustainable Environmentalism, was just not their 'Dept of Wildlife', thing....obviously.
Of course that theory of the 'Clovis Comet', could have been a deciding factor. Yep Dawn, I'll go with Holocene, kinda like moving to Florida for retirement. :>)
replied to: Blogengeezer
Replied to: Dawn, Good thing we didn't 'Pop' into the picture during the...
HI James and Blog, the comedic relief has returned!
:::handing James a towel and an nice cold beer as compensation:::
yeah, I agree about the Holocene appearance, timing and length being very interesting. He wanted us around for some reason...and I don't think His purpose has anything to do with our petty concerns which gives me great hope. Seeing this has changed how I look at the world in a profound way.
I have another concerned question. It ties into the strange conjunction of prophecy (mayan, bible etc, cayce, nostradamus,shipford etc), earthquake frequency/intensity increases, increased gamma ray detection, wild weather, impending galactic alignment, astronomical observation, precession,glacier behavior, mythology, even the story of Noah, to some extent.
Does anyone know anything relevant about galactic core explosions?
I understand the concept and know about the four degrees of such explosions. I know about evidence in the ice cores of past explosions and the correlation of that evidence to certain established facts about extinction events, ice ages etc. I'm not looking for remedial info here.
I want to know if there's any way to predict the intensity of the NEXT explosion, the effects of it on the sun, the likely hood that this will occur close to or on the prophesied date of 12/12/'12
I am currently sitting in front of 25lbs of books on the topic. I will eventually suss out the facts and important data but I'm wildly interested if anyone has already done so?
Blog, you posted a link to a video about 2012 that led me to interview with Paul LaViolette....I need to find it again. It was TRUTH and it was IMPORTANT.
James, you said something elsewhere about crust displacement. I said I first heard of this through Graham Hancock. I've been tearing through that book, Fingerprints of the Gods, again and seeing it in a new light. I need to know more about crust displacement. What causes it. How fast or slow does it occur. Etc.
I don't think God is about to destroy us but I do see a lot of evidence that He maybe about to "put us in our place" so to speak. I want to get ahead of the curve on this and I don't think there's much time left to do that.
anyone want to go down this road with me?
I'll bring the cookies beverages....
freedom is everything and diversity is Divine
replied to: cody88
Replied to: Is global warming real? or is it a cover up for...
I have come to the conclusion that we all have a little blame global warming and its consequences and guilt even more politicians who do not slow down.