Is Pres Obama Illuminati? Mason? Freemason? and Is Pres Obama Christian? Nondenom? Muslim?
replied to: superez1
Replied to: Is Pres Obama Illuminati? Mason? Freemason? and Is...
Yes.. actually if you backmass the thing he said like the "Yes we Can!" its actually like a Satanic word...
He is a Illuminati indeed.
replied to: superez1
Replied to: Is Pres Obama Illuminati? Mason? Freemason? and Is...
Crap, you americans are unreal.
replied to: superez1
Replied to: Is Pres Obama Illuminati? Mason? Freemason? and Is...
What difference dies it make Americans elected him and are going to live with the consequences........But could you imagine if he was a Satanist?
replied to: Sunnis
Replied to: Crap, you americans are unreal.
He must be your ayatollah then..
replied to: lotharhendrix
Replied to: He must be your ayatollah then..
Americans live with the consequences - THAT is Democracy [ a system with weaknesses , but a system which is not a Dangerous as the alternatives]
After 4 years he stands for re-election, and he cannot last longer than 8 years.
replied to: Puckish
Replied to: Americans live with the consequences - THAT is Democracy [ a...
What is "Illuminati" ?
Some sort of 13th Century Witchcraft crap ? Have we not adavanced in Civilisation and Education over 800 years ?
replied to: Puckish
Replied to: What is "Illuminati" ?
Some sort of 13th Century Witchcraft crap...
What is "Satanic" ? More uneducated crap ?
Don't you realise that "Stan" is used by stupid, CHILDISH mankind to Blame someone else for their wrongs ?
Isn't it time for mankind to become ADULTS and stand up and admit RESPONSIBILITY for the wrong they do ? - instead of Blaming a mythical Beast !!
[" I raped that woman, and her daughter, and her son : not MY fault ; a medieval Monster made me do it" ]