Fidel Castro: socialism doesn't work
I personally am pure right wing and have no acceptance of Socialism ,Communism or anything left wing and Support the democracys and Capitalist systems of the west including true Republicism
When you implement “from each according to his ability, to each according to his need,” magically, everyone starts having quite a lot of need and very little ability.
Those rich people don’t need all that money. They don’t pay their fair share of taxes. And a lot of good can be done if all that money is taken away from those people, who don’t need it anyway, and is given to other less fortunate people so that they can have better opportunities to advance their lives.
The socialist methods deployed to supposedly achieve a better world unleash an AVALANCHE of negative side effects that utterly dwarfs any of their original intentions, and brings more poverty, more inequality, more injustice, less prosperity, and more misery. This is because those methods go against an essence of human nature that cannot be changed even by people with the best of intentions.
Social programs are a disincentive to work and act responsibly. After all, if some or all of your needs are taken care of, and if someone else picks up the tab whenever something goes wrong, why would you worry about such minor details as work ethic, productivity, financial responsibility and family obligations? Consequently, when productivity takes a downturn, leading to a shrinking economy, guess who suffers… everybody! Oh and as always, the rich suffer the least
above fact and undermine everything socialism is meant to accomplish:
Much of the money that goes to the government ends up being wasted, resulting in ineffective government programs, and less wealth for EVERYBODY.
Many are tempted to assume that money collected by the government goes to help the poor and downtrodden. However, much of that money ends up in the hands of the rich and politically connected, those who have the most resources and ability to lobby for it.
Socialism concentrates money and power in the hands of the government. When government grows, the greedy and corrupt don’t go away. Conversely, they now have a more powerful tool in their hands, the government itself.
The richer you are, the easier it is for you to avoid increasing taxation and leave the bill to the middle class.
A soak-the-rich, high tax strategy inhibits the economy. And who is hurt the most by a slow economy? Not the rich!
The transfer of earned wealth that socialist policies mandate are a detriment to entrepreneurship and innovation. Entrepreneurship and innovation are driven by the potential for material rewards. If we take away or reduce the material rewards, we’ll have less innovation. Less innovation means less of all the cool, useful, and life-saving stuff we all love.
High taxes and government regulations make it more difficult to start and grow a business, thereby leaving much greater opportunities for those who are already rich and have the resources to overcome those difficulties.
Socialism causes poverty because it slows economic growth and progress through government waste, taxation on productive economic activity, discouraging innovation and the creation of hurdles for business. In addition, socialism causes poverty because it creates a disincentive to work and act responsibly. Socialism causes inequality because much of the money that goes to the government ends up in the hands of the rich and politically connected, it’s easier for wealthy individuals to avoid taxes, and it creates hurdles for business that the wealthy find easier to overcome. Socialism is a way for the rich to shut the door behind them, preventing those who are on their way up from reaching their destination.
a lot of socialist final goal to it get rid of a the government so it would just be the people that ran the country. and if you had real socialist in the government then it hopefully wouldn’t become corrupt, even though there will always be corrupt people when there are greedy people. but if you have righteous people then i dont see how u could say socialism doesn’t work, go read the communist manifesto and tell me there aren’t good ideas in there to benefit the working class, and to that guy talking about Russia needs to look beyond a history book and see that Russia was not really a socialist country and read about cuba and how socialism is working there.
a lot of socialist final goal to it get rid of a the government so it would just be the people that ran the country. and if you had real socialist in the government then it hopefully wouldn’t become corrupt, even though there will always be corrupt people when there are greedy people. but if you have righteous people then i dont see how u could say socialism doesn’t work, go read the communist manifesto and tell me there aren’t good ideas in there to benefit the working class, and to that guy talking about Russia needs to look beyond a history book and see that Russia was not really a socialist country and read about cuba and how socialism is working there.There used to be times when Fidel Castro would be considered the most left-wing famous person of the Western Hemisphere. Times are changing. The U.S. progressives - of the Daily Kos type - are now vastly more extreme communists than the former Cuban leader.
Following the example of his brother Raul, Fidel gave a sensible answer to the question whether it was a good idea to export the Cuban model to other countries. "The Cuban model doesn't even work for us anymore," he said. Fidel has also criticized Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for his anti-Semitism and especially holocaust denial. However, the same criticism could be addressed to the U.S. and some European
This was the collapse of the modern intellectuals' most cherished tradition. It was World War II that destroyed collectivism as a political ideal. Oh, yes, people still mouth its slogans, by routine, by social conformity and by default -- but it is not a moral crusade any longer. It is an ugly, horrifying reality -- and part of the modern intellectuals' guilt is the knowledge that they have created it. They have seen for themselves the bloody slaughterhouse which they had once greeted as a noble experiment -- Soviet Russia. They have seen Nazi Germany -- and they know that "Nazi" means "National Socialism." Perhaps the worst blow to them, the greatest disillusionment, was Socialist England: here was their literal dream, a bloodless socialism, where force was not used for murder, only for expropriation, where lives were not taken, only the products, the meaning and the future of lives, here was a country that had not been murdered, but had voted itself into suicide. Most of the modern intellectuals, even the more evasive ones, have now understood what socialism -- or any form of political and economic collectivism -- actually means.
To many Islamic nations, freedom is not a tonic, but a toxin; it's regarded not just as something that permits a challenge to faith, but is a challenge to faith by itself.
"To Westerners, the value of concepts like truth, life and liberty remains constant, writ in stone, whether our best efforts successfully earn that value or not. But many Westerners like myself watch events unfold in the Islamic world with the inching realization that the value it places on those concepts remains utterly fluid, seemingly shaped by convenience and circumstance.
"Even reason itself appears subject to sacrifice; some of the most cognitively dissonant images to come out of the controversy are protest signs with messages like, 'Behead those who say Islam is violent'." -- Andrew Steven Harris
Twenty years ago the conservatives were uncertain, evasive, morally disarmed before the aggressive moral self-righteousness of the liberals. Today, both are uncertain, evasive, morally disarmed before the aggressiveness of the communists. It is not a moral aggressiveness any longer, it is the plain aggressiveness of a thug -- but what disarms the modern intellectuals is the secret realization that a thug is the inevitable, ultimate and only product of their cherished morality
t, no one to my knowledge has yet connected all the dots between Barack Obama and the Radical Left. When seen together, the influences on Obama’s life comprise a who’s who of the radical leftist movement, and it becomes painfully apparent that not only is Obama a willing participant in that movement, he has spent most of his adult life deeply immersed in it.
But even this doesn’t fully describe what he is
replied to: joelglach
Replied to: Fidel Castro: socialism doesn't work
I personally am...
Hi Joe.
do you watch Beck? He has made many of these connections to the radical left but the media doesn't report on that, they are too busy calling him names and telling lies about what he is actually saying and doing.
According to Beck, Obama is directly connected to communist forces through agencies like the Tides foundation, the Apollo Alliance, and SEIU which are all run by and supported by far left liberal monies and people. He has also tied all these groups to the cap and trade crowd and the CSX in Chicago.
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Hi Joe.
do you watch Beck? He has made many of...
Social security is a form of socialism. you guys against that?
what about medicare? socialism as well. medicaid? socialism. you guys are so against socialism but you dont realize that it provides for you just as much as you think it takes away from you
replied to: Nick22
Replied to: Social security is a form of socialism. you guys against that?...
Yes, I, for one, am against all forms of socialism that redistribute wealth and I know perfectly well that to cut these socialist programs will cost many Americans and the process will be ugly. We will probably have riots and lots of folks will be unhappy.
Do you understand WHY it is unhealthy for the gov't to hand out entitlements like SocSec/mediciad/medicaire/welfare etc the way it does? Do you understand that the money they give to those people enrolled in those programs comes from your pay check (as well as everyone elses)DO you realize that we currently have almost half of the population receiving some kind of "free" money from the gov't that is paid for by the other half of the country that works?
Do you realize there are people that work very hard, take all the over time they can get and are very careful with their money that don't make as much as a family of four on welfare?
that is redistribution my friend. That is you know who the first socialists were?
the national socialists....the NAZI's...that is what this system is based on ...Mussolini and the Nazi's....
I suggest you do a bit of actual research before you go touting a belief system that wants to take everything you make and give it to someone who doesn't work.
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Yes, I, for one, am against all forms of socialism that...
So, you're prooposing that the government stops social security, medicare, and healthcare? The NAZIS were a racist organization that had the intent of taking over the world. really? you're really going to compare Adolf Hitler and his band of NAZIS to America? and i've gotta do my research? thats news. I agree that our social security system and our healthcare and medicaid system must be reformed and made more efficient, but to deny all welfare to everyone in the United States? Not only is it inhumane, but it's stupid.
replied to: Nick22
Replied to: Social security is a form of socialism. you guys against that?...
If you want to pick things like Social security to discredit what Im saying then do so as Im talking about the big picture.
Of course every nation needs social security & rightly so but it would be completely destroyed under Socialism.The reason being OUR HUMAN NATURE. Nobody can prove me or any anti Socialist wrong on that unless you know of some other planet in the Universe .I dont mean to demean your opinion but you got some of what I said wrong.
Socialism and communism are by far the best Idealogies for us to live as Jesus taught us or if you are non Christian etc are better ways for humans to live equal.
For example if 10 of us were given 10 acres of land each to plough and 7 were great workers they would end up having to do some of the 3 others as they are too lazy or not fit etc.Eventually the good workers would get fed up and only do as much as the 3 and it will all start going down hill till it crumbles and then admit like Fidel Castro recently that his system failed.
Because we are anti Socialism,Communism, does not mean we are inhuman towards others that need Social Welfare.We are the total opposite.We are responsible and logical in our thinking, just like I explained. When the system fails theres nothing for anyone including Social welfare claiments.Socialists and Communists will always take root with their propoganda in the poorer ,hard pressed people and tell them all this rubbish.
God bless you all
replied to: Nick22
Replied to: Social security is a form of socialism. you guys against that?...
To better your self and community you strive to do so and its better that way than do as little as possible and live of others gains.Sometimes we need help for various reasons and thats where we need Social security etc.
God bless
replied to: Nick22
Replied to: So, you're prooposing that the government stops social security, medicare, and...
I don't think we can have a conversation until we've established a definition for fascism. I'm guessing that you don't see the fascism in today's American society. You probably think fascism is the opposite of communism; a condition of the right.
Am I correct?
I would deny entitlements. It is perfectly fine to have some sort of helping program for those in dire need of help especially in a wealthy country. These programs should be strictly limited in duration and effect which they are currently not. The hard cold truth of it is...America is no longer wealthy and that is chiefly the result of having enormous entitlement programs that support not those in need but GENERATIONS of Americans who feel they deserve the constant stream of money, food, health care and other goodies that flow into their lives without any effort on their part other than having children.
Being part of an entitlement program means you are beholden to some one or something else for your life. Tell me what is right and proper about that?
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: I don't think we can have a conversation until we've established...
Fascism is when business has bigger influence on a country's decision than does citizens. like i said, they must be more efficient. i realize, there are slackers, but social security provides immeasureable help to the elderly. it is predicted that 40 percent of poor would live in poverty without it (as opposed to the fifteen percent who live in poverty now)
replied to: Nick22
Replied to: Fascism is when business has bigger influence on a country's decision...
I myself believe that if S.S. was never created we probably wouldn't have as much need for it as we do now...You have a physical or mental handicap?...sure, we'll help you anyway you need us to...You just don't feel like working, or maybe you just feel that you been given a shitty hand in life?...tough shit!!!...set your alarm clock, walk, drive, bus, or train your arse down to a job, and start working....I know of more people who abuse the system than actually need it...and its not just some "slackers"'s generations of families who have been doing it for decades...I'm tired of it, it makes me sick to think that fully capable people have given in to the "victom" mentality that comes from the left...that if life is hard, all it takes is a phone call, or some paperwork filled out, and PRESTO! you can relax, and have some of my money....I better stop before my heart explodes...enjoy
replied to: Nick22
Replied to: So, you're prooposing that the government stops social security, medicare, and...
I agree with Nick22. How does Hitler and the NAZIS compare to Obama and The MArines?
replied to: LilBigie1
Replied to: I agree with Nick22. How does Hitler and the NAZIS compare...
They do not. Hitler had his own brand of insanity that I prefer to distinguish from any other (Hitlerism). The true fascists of the time period were the Italians under Mussolini...a system of gov't that was much touted by the left in this country at the time. Check into the parallels between that society and this one, you will find more commonalities than I care to list at this time.
In another post on this thread fascism is defined as corporations controlling the gov't. That is not quite true. Fascism is a state of gov't where large business concerns are controlled by the state as well as religion and the health and welfare of the populace.In short, fascism is a state of being where everything happening in the state is politicized and controlled either directly by the gov't or through pressure that the gov't supports.
one of the things that marks the rise of a fascist state is the early appearance of the avant guard and the apparent support of the state for those that are usually on the outside. Radicals, anarchists, homosexuals, etc. If you look at the rise of Mussolini and early Hitler you will see both regimes supported all these things and much more. It is only when the power of the socialist state is realized that the avant guarde are formerly shunned and often purged from the whole system in violent ways.
It is a form of collectivism and it is happening in our country today.IS our president a fascist? I don't think he would revel in the term no. He IS a socialist who believes in collective salvation and gov't power over everything. He thinks the only way to have a good world is to control all that the world is. When the Beast (the gov't) controls everything, then the Beast will rule. Who would not call a huge ponderous bureaucratic gov't a Beast?
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: They do not. Hitler had his own brand of insanity that...
So you're paranoid because historical precedents would suggest that Barack Obama could be our hitler, even though he has done nothing to imply so?
replied to: jbarnes1
Replied to: I myself believe that if S.S. was never created we probably...
I agree.
replied to: Nick22
I can't believe that there is someone else out there that isn't suckin the system dry....
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Yes, I, for one, am against all forms of socialism that...
Thats why socialism wont work as too many will do nothing and the workers get fed up and it all crashes
replied to: jbarnes1
Replied to: I myself believe that if S.S. was never created we probably...
I totally agree with you.Good stuff
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: They do not. Hitler had his own brand of insanity that...
I may be getting yhis wrong but are you saying Hitler was helped by anarchists Queers etc.He hateg Queers and lefties
replied to: Nick22
Replied to: So you're paranoid because historical precedents would suggest that Barack Obama...
No. She just doesn't know her European history. Like anybody who brings up Hitler, the Nazis, fascists, etc. and compares them to the America of today.
Gee I wonder why she stopped responding...