[quote]The same Zionist inspired rationale that has hyped up the rhetoric for war against Iran, was used in Germany in 1941 to endorse that nation’s invasion of the Soviet Union,[/quote]
An attack that was sold to the Germans as a campaign to secure Lebensraum, or living space for the sons and daughters of the Nazi inheritance, like the proposed attack on Iran is being sold as a campaign to, “kick their ass and take their gas.”
The failure of Operation Barbarossa resulted in the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany and is considered a turning point for the Third Reich,
It became the site of some of the largest and most brutal battles, deadliest atrocities, terrible loss of life and horrific conditions for the Soviets and Germans alike – all of which influenced the course of both World War II and 20th Century history.” Wikipedia
The Zionists and their tools hidden out at news dissemination places world wide know all of this, the Holocaust was an inside job a plan formulated by Zionist Ashkenazi Jews,
Who are not Jews at all, they were a tribe of horsemen from Kazakhstan in Central Asia who converted to Judaism en masse in 740 AD, their plan was to rid Europe of those Jews who opposed Zionism, and to establish the modern state of Israel which is illegal under Jewish law, else it be done by the Messiah!
Those Jews were financing Hitler and since most media ownership in Germany was Jew owned, it was they who were beating Hitler’s drum more so than anyone else,
Now the Zionazi who have infiltrated the Washington political establishment and the Pentagon, claim that war against Iran is winnable, in the same way their predecessors in Germany convinced AH the invasion of the Soviet Union would be successful,
Podhoretz is on the record stating, “we destroyed the Soviet Union,” they did because they convinced the Russian political establishment to invade Afghanistan which is an unconquerable land!
[quote]Israel has been supplying weapons to Iran since the days of Ollie North and Iran Contra, Believe that nuclear weapons have been on Iran’s shopping list for as long as Israel has had them for sale![/quote]
This is what would happen, the Iranians nuke the US battle fleets sending them to the bottom, the Turks form a Moslem alliance with all regional Islamic interests including Iran, they unite with the remnants of Saddam’s forces in Iraq, the Pakistani’s join the alliance.
The Afghans go on the offensive in that land and suddenly US forces are stranded with no hope of resupply and no way of getting out, they either surrender or are wiped out..
[quote]Or both, recalling the massacre of thousands of Taliban from the Northern Alliance who surrendered to US forces in 2001.[/quote]
The Zionazi offensive on the Homeland commences, and the mercenary forces that are already in place on the mainland round up who they want to, and it’s off to the FEMA camps for them for processing ..to be killed.
Attacks are carried out on the schools in Amish County and VA Tech style massacres, and the Ashkenazi chalk up another victory ..War now against Israel.
An attack that was sold to the Germans as a campaign to secure Lebensraum, or living space for the sons and daughters of the Nazi inheritance, like the proposed attack on Iran is being sold as a campaign to, “kick their ass and take their gas.”
The failure of Operation Barbarossa resulted in the eventual defeat of Nazi Germany and is considered a turning point for the Third Reich,
It became the site of some of the largest and most brutal battles, deadliest atrocities, terrible loss of life and horrific conditions for the Soviets and Germans alike – all of which influenced the course of both World War II and 20th Century history.” Wikipedia
The Zionists and their tools hidden out at news dissemination places world wide know all of this, the Holocaust was an inside job a plan formulated by Zionist Ashkenazi Jews,
Who are not Jews at all, they were a tribe of horsemen from Kazakhstan in Central Asia who converted to Judaism en masse in 740 AD, their plan was to rid Europe of those Jews who opposed Zionism, and to establish the modern state of Israel which is illegal under Jewish law, else it be done by the Messiah!
Those Jews were financing Hitler and since most media ownership in Germany was Jew owned, it was they who were beating Hitler’s drum more so than anyone else,
Now the Zionazi who have infiltrated the Washington political establishment and the Pentagon, claim that war against Iran is winnable, in the same way their predecessors in Germany convinced AH the invasion of the Soviet Union would be successful,
Podhoretz is on the record stating, “we destroyed the Soviet Union,” they did because they convinced the Russian political establishment to invade Afghanistan which is an unconquerable land!
[quote]Israel has been supplying weapons to Iran since the days of Ollie North and Iran Contra, Believe that nuclear weapons have been on Iran’s shopping list for as long as Israel has had them for sale![/quote]
This is what would happen, the Iranians nuke the US battle fleets sending them to the bottom, the Turks form a Moslem alliance with all regional Islamic interests including Iran, they unite with the remnants of Saddam’s forces in Iraq, the Pakistani’s join the alliance.
The Afghans go on the offensive in that land and suddenly US forces are stranded with no hope of resupply and no way of getting out, they either surrender or are wiped out..
[quote]Or both, recalling the massacre of thousands of Taliban from the Northern Alliance who surrendered to US forces in 2001.[/quote]
The Zionazi offensive on the Homeland commences, and the mercenary forces that are already in place on the mainland round up who they want to, and it’s off to the FEMA camps for them for processing ..to be killed.
Attacks are carried out on the schools in Amish County and VA Tech style massacres, and the Ashkenazi chalk up another victory ..War now against Israel.