Every business today is dependent on oil and gas resources, directly or indirectly. There is a shortage in supply of these resources which has led to a raise in its prices. It is believed that by the year 2030, the Oil consumption in industries will be so high that it will exceed 115 million barrels per day, 30 million barrels higher than are consumed daily today.
replied to: SPINKS101
Replied to: Every business today is dependent on oil and gas resources, directly...
More of a statement than a question but you make a very good point. The problem is coming up with a new and clean energy source that is also cheap. And probably the biggest obstacle is getting entire societies to change. People are stubborn and lazy by nature. If governments don't step in to make regulations we may not be able to change until its too late...
replied to: florian
Replied to: More of a statement than a question but you make a...
Yeah, government regulations help everything. The government couldn't regulate a picnic.
You want to solve the "energy crisis"? DE regulate business and oil. Turn the big companies loose and give them tax incentives to come up with fixes to the problem. Get gov't fat butt out of the way and watch the people, (you know the people right...the ones who OWN the gov't?) create their own future.
Gov't is not a living thing that res[ponds to the needs of the people. Gov't is a system of controls designed to regulate the BEHAVIOR of people and by your own admission, it can't do that so...
let the people invent their own future and they will.
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Yeah, government regulations help everything. The government couldn't regulate a picnic....
Ha! In a perfect world maybe. Do you think a single mom with three kids and two jobs gives a F**k what is good for the environment(and rightfully so)?! All major changes(car manufacturers forced to build hybrid model cars, making contracts for wind farms, emissions taxes, organizing nation wide cleanups, putting recycling bylaws in place...etc.) all put in place by the government. If changes are not made by the federal and provincial governments than this planet wont be livable for much longer. I get it though, you are a tough young rebel/ anti-government anarchist that thinks the government is out to get you. F**k no! They are elected by the people to represent the people(in Canada at least). If we left it up to the individual they would procrastinate and sit around till its too late and then cry "why didn't the government do anything to stop this, its all their fault". Sometimes a little direction is good in society. And letting big corporations run things is probably the worst suggestion I have ever heard. They have only one purpose, to make profit at what ever cost to society and the environment(there are honestly too many examples to list)
replied to: florian
Replied to: Ha! In a perfect world maybe. Do you think a single...
Congratulations, you've absorbed the party line.
go buy a tee shirt or something
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: Congratulations, you've absorbed the party line.
go buy a tee...
Truer words were never spoken, this guy is an example of the difference between Americans and Canadians! Canadians are "socialists" that have no idea that it is actually possible to solve problems without government taking over the entire situation! I'll agree, unfortunately, there is a place for government to participate in the implementation of policy, but as far as allowing the federal government to dominate both policy and implementation just simply is not acceptable to an American electorate, that has a far different idea of what is undo government control from what Canadians put up with! Most folks seem to be terrified by a worldwide"progressive "claim of impending catastrophe that has no concrete basis other than a desire for "world government" and world dominance by certain elites that seem to have chosen themselves as pre-ordained rulers! These self appointed elites like Al Gore, obama, and George Soros will never see their lives diminished by the idiotic demands to abandon fossil fuels and narrow our lives to what little can be achieved with the limited abilities of wind, solar, and battery power! But still these "earth lovers" are willing to allow us peons to use a bare minimum of fossil fuel power if we are willing to pay these elites trillions of dollars for so-called carbon credits. Isn't it odd how a situation that is declared to be the death of the planet can suddenly be managed by these geniuses if regular folks will just drastically lower their lifestyles(walk) and fork over the greatest amount of wealth ever extorted on Earth?