How much oil do experts predict is left to be drilled?
replied to: scbrow
Replied to: How much oil do experts predict is left to be drilled?...
There is a lot of oil left - but if demand keeps increasing the supply could run out long before past predictions
replied to: hagruber
Replied to: There is a lot of oil left - but if demand...
yes, but we're still talking about many decades.
replied to: scbrow
Replied to: yes, but we're still talking about many decades.
Yes, that's the very reason we should start looking at alternatives NOW.
replied to: jbrooks
Replied to: Yes, that's the very reason we should start looking at alternatives...
Society is reactive, not proactive. Changes are unlikely to occur until gasoline is in short supply
replied to: scbrow
Replied to: How much oil do experts predict is left to be drilled?...
The stupid reasons about the world's supply of oil running out is idiotic. We may be running out of oil, but we don't know exactly how much is left because there are many places we never even looked. One, the deep depths of Antartica. Two, we don't know whether the ruddy oil is coming from another bloody dimension! So, how long until we are out of oil supply of the world?
replied to: scbrow
Replied to: How much oil do experts predict is left to be drilled?...
I don't think that oil ever finish on this earth because everyday livingthings are dying and fossil fuel are being formed.I think that the problem here is how to locate where the oil reserves are.That means that geologist and geophysicist have to work hard to find more oil reserves
replied to: scbrow
Replied to: Society is reactive, not proactive. Changes are unlikely to occur...
It is already a problem finding gasoline at a reasonable price, which means finding it is getting harder and harder to do
replied to: chimes
Replied to: I don't think that oil ever finish on this earth because...
The supply is renewable (ABIOTIC OIL) but it is not made of living things, heres why, plants and animals are made mostly of water, oil is the opposite. You can not mix oil and water, oil is acually the planets blood or lubication.
replied to: GDawg
Replied to: The stupid reasons about the world's supply of oil running out...
I love your answer about the oil comming from another dimension, if you look up (The hollow earth theory) you will find that the inner earth may be at a different dimensional frequency.(like radio stations)
replied to: chimes
Replied to: I don't think that oil ever finish on this earth because...
It takes a few hundred thousnd years for earth to make the amoumt of oil we burn in one. The estimate I heard from the men who discovered most of the large oil fields working today was we passed the midpoint of oil reserves in 2008 or 2009. The biggest problem is not fuel.The fuel problem will be the primary focus. How do you replace oil in the thousnds of chemical products we use eveyday? Look around your home. Almost everything is made of some oil based product. Textiles, paints, plastics, furniture, foam rubber, appliances, just to name a few. Maybe we can begin to grasp the size of the problem. It this the end of the world? No, but it could be the 1700's again.