How is Aristotle similar in thought to other philosphers (such as Socrates) and how was he different.
replied to: aimbee
Replied to: How is Aristotle similar in thought to other philosphers (such as...
Off the top of my head, and according to my understanding, some of the similarities and differences can be seen in that Socrates never himself wrote any philosophy, but Plato his student did as did Aristotle, with Plato being the first fully systematic philosopher the West ever really knew, whereas Aristotle is the epitome of systematicity following in his teacher's, or Plato's, footsteps as he virtually invented (I would say he encoded within a system of rationality) the logic that is required for the systematic treatment of any field of study. Hence, the name of his treaties written which outlined the rules of logic that stood for thousands of years unaltered, the Organon (or the organ). At least some of the similarities can be seen in that Socrates lay the ground for both Plato and Aristotle which carried through their works as both Plato and Aristotle incorporated some of the master's (i.e., Socrates) principles such as the dialectical method of inquiry, while altering them to satisfy their more fully worked out worldviews. This is a rather inadequate response to your question but if you take it for what it's worth, it may be worth a little?
replied to: Guitar10Circles
Replied to: Off the top of my head, and according to my understanding,...
Hmm, among the main differences among many I'd consider the fields of inquiry, Plato being more engaged in ethics (and aesthetics, which, in Ancient Greece were often overlaping subjects) and Aristotle being more interested in the origin of knowledge. But the method of systematicism was indeed very similar (although Aristotle criticised Plato for his theory of ideas): Plato's idea was represented by form in Aristotle (to a sense) while the matter was a second quality of beings for the both.