How did the pagan Norse interact with Christianity?
replied to: inzmtns
Replied to: How did the pagan Norse interact with Christianity?
All of the mythic literature to come out of Scandinavia was written by Christians after the area had been totally converted, and therefore is tainted by the Christian point of view.
replied to: dbrunner
Replied to: All of the mythic literature to come out of Scandinavia was...
Iceland practiced religious tolerance; though the state religion became Christianity by a vote of Parliament, pagans remained free to practice their religion in the privacy of their own homes.
replied to: bulldog1
Replied to: Iceland practiced religious tolerance; though the state religion became Christianity by...
I know as another thing is when all of the Norse people became christian they wrote the final part in Norse mythology ragnarok saying that only 2 people survived it and became christian
replied to: inzmtns
Replied to: How did the pagan Norse interact with Christianity?
There's a series of articles at the Norse Mythology Blog that deals with this topic.
The main page is here:
and the series (in the Archive) starts here: