According to Herodotus, Cyrus met his death in battle with the Massagetae.
replied to: splizxer
Replied to: According to Herodotus, Cyrus met his death in battle with the...
The Massagetae fought on horseback as well as on foot.
replied to: splizxer
Replied to: According to Herodotus, Cyrus met his death in battle with the...
Indeed, the fate of Spargapises, the unfortunate son of Tomyris, sealed Cyrus' fate too...
But, Herodotus also tells us that he has chosen this version of the story for the ending of his own history of Cyrus is because it is "the most noble" of the three stories concerning the death of Cyrus which he'd heard...
Though he was concerned to get at the 'truth' of Cyrus' story, historical accuracy was evidently not one of his most urgent priorities.
replied to: rnlunatic
Replied to: The Massagetae fought on horseback as well as on foot.
As did the Medes, the Assyrians, the Lydians, and just about everyone else at that time; cavalry units were vital to military success...
According to Xenophon, Cyrus' Persians were so proud of the increased social status which riding horses gave them, that they refused to walk anywhere and would ride their horses even for the shortest of distances.