Why does anyone need a gun to help them battle other people
it is a sigh of weakness.
replied to: Kane
Replied to: Why does anyone need a gun to help them battle other...
Because our enemies (thugs, drug dealers and terrorists) are armed to the teeth. Going up against an AK-47 with your bare hands is not strong or brave, just stupid.
replied to: Charles46
Replied to: Because our enemies (thugs, drug dealers and terrorists) are armed to...
I tottally agree with you 1000% there charles anyway thanks
for the reply
see you connor.
replied to: Kane
Replied to: I tottally agree with you 1000% there charles anyway thanks...
Why I have guns. I would suggest you study your history
of what happens when people like hitler take over a conutry and you are defenceless to protect your loved ones. The first thing they do is disarm the people so they can't fight back. I would suggest you bring up a web sight that has what happens to a disarmed people. I don't know how old you are but I would take a guess you can't be much older than 10. Because there are alot of people out in this world that would slit your throat for the jacket you are wearing. I hope you will take my advice and start studing history. I never leave the house with out my S&W. Been packing for 60 years ( :
replied to: DWG3
Replied to: Why I have guns. I would suggest you study your...
Hey do you really think its necessary for that i have seen multiple times where a person thinks they should carry a gun and then they endup being killed over nothing just because they are carrying i mean believe me i always keep a gun at home but i never take it with me anywhere
replied to: rideronthestorm
Replied to: Hey do you really think its necessary for that i have...
I know this is hard to understand but when there is the possibility that every person you meet is armed, violence is less likely to occur. When it is only possible that criminals are armed (by illegal means) then potential for violence rises. This is a conclusion that can only be understood by people who think and reason logically. If you are prone to illogical thinking and/or driven by emotion in your thoughts you cannot understand this.
outlawing guns will not affect the criminal element. they already have access to firearms and will continue to have access to them even if they are completely illegal. Most guns used by criminals are cheap, ill maintained, small caliber weapons. We tend to think that all criminals have access to automatic weapons but that is only true of organized criminal enterprises like gangs. Most violent crimes involves weapons other than guns, if you want to get into statistics. We are far more likely to be stabbed than shot. IF the bad guy has a knife, I would much rather have a gun.
replied to: Charles46
Replied to: Because our enemies (thugs, drug dealers and terrorists) are armed to...
Think of a young girl up against a rapist a small pocket or hanbag pistol and the training to use it with deadly force can get her out of a tight spot.In the days of the old west in the usa a name for a colt peacemaker .45 calibre revolver wa"the old equaliser" -"AND HE TOOK OUT THE OLD EQUALISER AND IT SPAKE THUS..KAPOW-KAPOW-KAPOW!"THERE ARE DEFINATELY MORE GOOD PEOPLE THAN BAD BUT THE GOBLINS IN OUR SOCIETY GENERALLY GO ARMED OR ARE PREPARED TO USE DEADLY FORCE-they target the weakest perceived victim to criminalize.thats why "an armed society is a polite society" as has been found in some small townships in the southern states of america where local by-laws require that everyone goes armed at all times.people think twice before commiting a road rage offence for instance for they may very well end up in boothill.training is the key to effective combat or defensive shooting ;regular practice leads to confidence and a growing awareness of the ability to pull the trigger if the s**t hits the fan
replied to: Charles46
Replied to: Because our enemies (thugs, drug dealers and terrorists) are armed to...
Think of a young girl up against a rapist a small pocket or hanbag pistol and the training to use it with deadly force can get her out of a tight spot.In the days of the old west in the usa a name for a colt peacemaker .45 calibre revolver wa"the old equaliser" -"AND HE TOOK OUT THE OLD EQUALISER AND IT SPAKE THUS..KAPOW-KAPOW-KAPOW!"THERE ARE DEFINATELY MORE GOOD PEOPLE THAN BAD BUT THE GOBLINS IN OUR SOCIETY GENERALLY GO ARMED OR ARE PREPARED TO USE DEADLY FORCE-they target the weakest perceived victim to criminalize.thats why "an armed society is a polite society" as has been found in some small townships in the southern states of america where local by-laws require that everyone goes armed at all times.people think twice before commiting a road rage offence for instance for they may very well end up in boothill.training is the key to effective combat or defensive shooting ;regular practice leads to confidence and a growing awareness of the ability to pull the trigger if the s**t hits the fan CCserxRGF