Global warming
Global warming is a fraud
Posts  1 - 48  of  48
It's based on carefully truncated temperature graphs, rigged simulations, and "votes" by scientists, almost all of whom have done no original research on the subject. It's an attempt by a new breed of fascist, the ecofascists, to control every aspect of everyone's life.
replied to:  Patrick324
Replied to:  It's based on carefully truncated temperature graphs, rigged simulations, and "votes"...
As you have described Patrick, the NWO is dependent on the "Ministry of Truth" achieving a total and unquestioned power over the inhabitants of the earth. One method is the disbanding of those that Question the 'group think' so easily programed into the immature psyche.

Fortunately, humans are quite unpredictable and frequently 'break out of the herd'. shows of what you speak. wattsupwiththat and climateaudit are also under attack for revealing the manipulations of the data sets.

Even Wiki's 'Climate Gatekeeper' is waaay too cozy in association with realclimate (same director). They are also united with the 'Dark Side', through political and profit motives.

Sadly most neophytes go to Wiki for their quick 'fix' on any question.
Wiki is always as reliable as MSM on any subject :>) Intelligent discernment is required to the max, before accepting anything they post. Of course Main Stream Media is highly manipulated. They will not ever print revelations such as these..
replied to:  Patrick324
Replied to:  It's based on carefully truncated temperature graphs, rigged simulations, and "votes"...
I'm amazed that any reasonably intelligent person capable of logical thought bothers gathering information about "global warming".

"global warming" is a dumbed down media term for a more correct term 'climate change'. The only people who know anything about climate change are certain types of geologists who study the fossilized evidence of it and they only have an incomplete understanding.

if we humans have changed the planet's climate there is nothing we can do to change it back. It is what it is. Best to begin worrying how to adapt to what may come. I believe that things will get hotter and drier. There is plenty of evidence to support that.

Ignore the man behind the curtains...he's trying to distract you from the real problem
replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  I'm amazed that any reasonably intelligent person capable of logical thought...
This may help to understand how the figures are manipulated, for whatever reason, we can only imagine.

Another interesting site is links from there are also educational, especially Siberia rural. Historically Cold, which substantial 'sets' have been inexplicably downgraded in relevance. ERBE data is relatively late on the scene and has little historical reference as a baseline.

Not only removing them from the Data-Sets, but replacing them with sub-equatorial stations. Deep 'Floaters' are relatively recent, and show temps rising far deeper than 'Sun' penetration. (Undersea tectonic plate subduction Zones, Volcanism?)

HAD/CRU destruction of Royal Navy, temperature records from long ago, is extremely suspect in political nature. It also has no precedence in scientific history..
replied to:  Blogengeezer
Replied to:  This may help to understand how the figures are manipulated, for...
Professor Bob Carter has a little 4 part explanation of the Earth's History of Climate Change, analyzed over several time lines.

He also covers the 'manufactured' Hysteria in today's predictions. It is just more 'nails in the coffin' of AGW and it's root reasoning to impose ever more devastating TAX on humans Not in the 'profit loop'..

This is part 1 of 4:
replied to:  Blogengeezer
Replied to:  Professor Bob Carter has a little 4 part explanation of the...
Back in the 70's, human pollution was going to cause an ice age and we needed to severely limit private ownership of cars. Now, our pollution is causing global warming and we need to severely limit private ownership of cars.

Am I the only one who sees the: "severely limit private ownership of cars" as the common thread?

I am no fan of pollution, and I am very happy to see some actual, practical work done on clean energy, and I think options to the gasoline engine are +++good.

The global warming issue bothers me because it seems to be a blatant attempt to control behavior.

How about: Open, honest discussion of the facts as we know them? What a concept.
replied to:  hardlec
Replied to:  Back in the 70's, human pollution was going to cause an...
I was around for the seventies oil crisis and am very much aware of what's going on now but I don't hear or read anyone saying that privately owned vehicles should be eliminated or controlled

in the seventies they told us to buy smaller more gas efficient cars.
we did
today they are telling us to buy smaller more gas efficient cars.
we are (those that can afford it or have enough credit)
Eventually we will be told to buy cars that run(at least directly) on something other than gasoline
we will
because all of these things will help with the terrifying 'global warming crisis'

'they' will NEVER tell us to stop buying things. 'they' rely on 'us' to spend money on things. that's how 'they' make money. 80% of the world financial resources are controlled by around 460 individuals. half of those are corporations that sell things.

'global warming' is about control....of money through fear based consumerism.

the real issue IS pollution because fixing it COSTS money. 'they' know the only way to make money is too spend as little of it as possible unless you're 'investing' it into a venture that makes more money.

fixing pollution; cleaning up our fresh water supply, restoring dirt to a state where life can grow in it again, will NEVER make them money. fixing pollution will suck them dry and 'they' know it

I can go on with the connection between pollution and climate change but then I'll just be ranting


open and honest discussion about the un-sexy asked for it
replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  I was around for the seventies oil crisis and am very...
Any time the USA desires to read it's future, they only need to watch Europe. What Europe deems worthy of 'Emotionally' driven control, it Will come to the USA, the question is when. 'Global Warming' terminology and the 'manufactured' Hysteria it Uses to 'TAX', is the engine.

Europe is Demanding Mass Transportation. The way to mandate it, is to price the 'low Caste' Subjects out of the vehicle ownership club of the 'Elite'. (notice the newest field of Ultra-Luxury vehicles?)
The Autobahn is much more pleasant, with less 'Riff-Raff clogging the lanes.

Taxation of 'every aspect' of the Privilege, until only the 'Privileged' are still able to drive. As the financial crisis is purposely expanded and manipulated, be prepared for ever more 'FEES' (taxation) on vehicles and luxuries (heating and cooling). Too bad for the family of 6 foot + (183cm +) boys, they will have to force themselves into 'Smart Cars' or whatever the latest 'Groupthink' demands.

'Brave New World' was not only a fictional scenario by Aldus Huxley. His devout followers have been working on the Utopian society for years. Vote like Your life depended on it..It does.

replied to:  Blogengeezer
Replied to:  Any time the USA desires to read it's future, they only...
There is a suburb of Chicago known as Wheaton IL. They have a fine college there, and when I was there in the 1980's they had a couple of restaurants that specialized in vegetarian food.
At the time there were organizations trying to have the county legislate that there be a certain number of vegetarian restaurants, or vegetarian offerings at restaurants, in other communities. The cities and County declined, basically saying people were free to buy what they wanted to eat.

In Wheaton, there was a market for the healthy and "sensible" vegetarian restaurants. The rest of the county wanted McWenKing. Now most Fast Food chains offer salads and other menu items that are healthier. It is because people want them, not because of government mandate.

Public Transportation can work, but the transportation company has to provide needed and wanted services at an affordable price. If "the bus" won't get me to work on time, it is not going to work. If the bus costs more than driving, it is not going to work.

The private car is only going to fade from the scene when a viable replacement is found. The government did not mandate the replacement of records with CDs, or VHS tapes with DVDs.

Mostly, the free market works. I just hope the replacement for the internal combustion engine comes soon.

replied to:  hardlec
Replied to:  There is a suburb of Chicago known as Wheaton IL....
Remember Wheaton well. Family generations were all collegiate, both as students and teachers. Southern Ill as well, was site of Alpha test (1960's?) of NWO in the specially modified auditorium. AGW theory falls in nicely with their research on Control over Earth's Humanity.

Educated Suggestions (healthy foods) work far better than Government mandates. So called 'Sin Taxes' and Fees drive any demand underground. ie: Prohibition was vigorously supported Politically by the Underworld, as well as by 'emotionally' driven Holy Rollers.

A sustainable design must prove itself to be able to achieve some net gain (profit), before being truly 'Sustainable'. Heavy Rail, Mass transit in NM (emotionally driven) is subsidized 'Massively'. The taxpayer funds the system, does not matter if individually they ever use it. Massive State debt is now following years of huge surplus.

Antiquated Internal Combustion (incomplete combustion, Huge waste of Heat energy), has long ago run it's course. MINTO (father of the Super Tanker) pioneered closed cycle, 'Freon Engine' design. Kinetic-heat-cool. Add any one, and the result is the other 'Two' as output. Lear (Business jet) improved on the mechanical aspect of the 'closed cycle' mechanism.

Lawsuit threats, media hysteria (closed cycle explosions) Environmental, Freon (gasses) were attacked, research was shelved (Nissan bought patents.) CO2 emissions, including H2O vapor, are now being ridiculously attacked.

Predictably, privately funded, taxable research is Staying shelved... until societies desperation allows it's return. Only 'Desperation' including Removal of deadly lawsuits, will finally allow many 'net gain' resources to once again be pioneered in the USA.

Government Regulation, Fees and Taxation. Will Not promote any true improvement. Only the Profit Motive has the Power to improve society's quality of life. Restriction is inherently...a 'Graveyard Spiral'.
replied to:  Blogengeezer
Replied to:  Remember Wheaton well. Family generations were all collegiate, both as...
I'm a smoker. Yes its a filthy habit, much deplored yada yada yada
but, smoking is back off
anyway, my daughter asked me why it's still legal because its so bad for you and it stanks to high heavens and it filthy and on and on. She equates illegal things with things that are really bad for you like crack.

cigarettes are EASILY as bad for me as a crack habit...just take em away from me and see what I'll do to get them back. In a perfect world neither thing would exist.

at least I know that my cigarettes will never be illegal because they are taxed. I pay around 7$ a pack. how much of that is tax I have no clue but before the 'antismoking tax them until they quit because its BAD FOR THEM' campaign, I paid less than half that.

many smokers have quit. there are far fewer tobacco users now think gas is expensive? where is the tobacco shortage? What country do I have to invade to get THESE prices lowered?

high fat is bad for you. big cars are bad FOR THE WORLD (so they tell you)privacy is bad for the SECURITY OF OUR COUNTRY (think big booming god voice)

the point is, if you think you can't be taxed out of something, talk to a smoker

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  I'm a smoker. Yes its a filthy habit, much deplored yada...
The subject is getting complex.

Global warming is a fraud. Pretty much agreed.

Global warming was constructed by governments to control behavior. I think we're agreeing there.

Pollution is bad, but voluntary restraint seems to work. Also Agreed.

The government insists on monkeying with what is not its business.

Okay: What do we do about it?
replied to:  Patrick324
Replied to:  It's based on carefully truncated temperature graphs, rigged simulations, and "votes"...
Patrick today we have yet another Media obsessed lesson in agenda driven Hysterics. A 'Broken off Glacier' the size of 'Luxemburg' this time.

Glaciers gain mass up-slope. As the pressure induced from increasing weight, forces the glacier to move down-slope, it extends further and further from the shoreline shelf. At one point it can no longer sustain the tension. A break off of mass is the result.

A static, ‘dead’ glacier does NOT break off, only a healthy functioning glacier ‘Breaks off’.
Glaciology 101…

The reason this has endlessly been front page News, is the Media Hysteria caused by the Agenda driven entities to promote a ‘Control State’ over Humanity.

Glaciers have been Forming and ‘Breaking off’ for countless thousands of years. Humans are NOT going to ‘Control’ natural Cause and Effect..

More examples of apparently ignorance based, Media Hysteria at: Gigantic Iceberg Might Cause Climatic Changes
replied to:  Blogengeezer
Replied to:  Patrick today we have yet another Media obsessed lesson in agenda...
Wait! Wait!

too much actual knowledge...brain implosion imminent

:::cheesy grin:::

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Wait! Wait! too much actual knowledge...brain implosion imminent :::cheesy...
Omigod - a big glacier broke off! Well, that's enough for me. Clearly, we now need a Grand High Supreme Ecofascist Star Chamber to control our lives.
replied to:  Patrick324
Replied to:  Omigod - a big glacier broke off! Well, that's enough...
An guess who's gonna run this interesting and vitally important new global government division?

replied to:  hardlec
Replied to:  The subject is getting complex. Global warming is a fraud....
Get involved, research the political affiliations of ALL potential leaders, including locals, and VOTE LIKE YOU MEAN IT.

I also recommend living your life with integrity. Don't back away from the arguments and always get the last word.
If you know global warming and pending environmental collapse is crap...SAY SO every chance you get not just in this electronic world but in the real world too.

Confront the fear mongering with truth. HAve compassion for those who may not fully understand what they are talking about. TEACH THEM. Props to Blogengeezer for doing that for me.

I found it really helpful to find out what my beliefs were. I discovered I'm a libertarian and researched what that means.

Discover what YOU are at Even if you hate the guy, the survey he offers is eye opening. There are also simple links from the survey so you can research what you are just like I did. Knowledge is a great thing and knowing your political affiliations is empowering. Check it out.

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Get involved, research the political affiliations of ALL potential leaders, including...
I surmise that this Intelligent and alert majority has noticed the latest revelation in the Media? The Mammoth Bones being discovered in Siberia?

On first glance the "MELTING TUNDRA" is Media spin Capitalized. "Warming Temperatures" is next, in slightly smaller font. The first paragraphs describe the proliferation (leading you to believe this is a rarity) and only as you read deeper into the articles released, does the alert reader become ever so slightly aware of the 'Truth'.

The Mammoth Bones have been 'surfacing' along meandering creek beds in the 'Tundra'...for untold 'CENTURIES'. Generations of Siberian 'Bone Hunters' have earned their sparse livelihood from the harvesting of 'Mammoth Bones'. GENERATIONS...

Now for the real revelation. At several sites in the past, recovery has revealed 'Daisies' in the mouth's and digestive systems of the fully 'flash frozen' remains.
The reports were the 1950's... when schools actually taught 'Science' instead of 'Political Conjecture'.

Ice Ages obviously occur far more rapidly than educators understand, or are reluctant to teach. Journalism Politics has trumped Science ...again..
replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Get involved, research the political affiliations of ALL potential leaders, including...
Dawn and Patrick, I thought you might be interested in this little article on the net. Four Baltic Sea, Passenger Ferries with 1,133 passengers aboard, and one cargo ship, have been locked in 'Ice' off the Swedish Coast...In March..spring? Ice breakers are being summoned.. Enjoy our 'Global Cooling' :>)
replied to:  Blogengeezer
Replied to:  Dawn and Patrick, I thought you might be interested in this...
Don't get me wrong: I think pollution is bad and a sane approach to a cleaner world is a good thing. I'm in one of those groups that picks up the litter along a certain stretch of road.

Global Warming still reads to me like a means of "thought control." I don't see it as a conspiracy, i.e. I don't think Ale Gore and a group of behind-the-scenes people are trying to manipulate the population, but I do see cooperation to control how people think.

One I think will help: With the Internet it is possible to get information and communicate without being filtered by the Major Market Media.

BUT: Anyone who can vote should vote with a purpose.
replied to:  hardlec
Replied to:  Don't get me wrong: I think pollution is bad and...
"Don't get me wrong: I think pollution is bad and a sane approach to a cleaner world is a good thing. I'm in one of those groups that picks up the litter along a certain stretch of road."

take a look folks, a TRUE and REALITY based environmentalist. I wonder how much trash Algore picks up.
If you're serious about being green then concentrate on the world in your immediate vicinity.
see garbage? pick it up. That's real world change. Six billion+ people, just think what we could do if we all just picked up garbage for one day.

Hardlec, I applaud. Thank you for the sanity.I's all about control but the ones who will suffer most for this control are the poor and I reiterate my far from poor are any of us? Who will be suffering next year, in five years, ten? What price will my/your children pay if I don't try to stop the control?

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  "Don't get me wrong: I think pollution is bad and a...
Padre Island National Seashore is unique. approximately 70 miles of open National Shoreline on the TEXAS coastline, that anyone with a 4x4 can drive on. Camping is allowed for 14 continuous days at a time.

Now the really Fun part. The ocean opening, is a giant funnel that collects unfathomable amounts of trash. Some from the Islands in the Caribbean, to the Yucatan peninsula.

Any given storm, such as Katrina, turns it into a really great blender with everything from plastic bottles, life vests, hard hats, Duck decoys from Louisiana, Wooden structures, to boats and giant Ocean Buoys.

If you enjoy picking up trash, much of it extremely interesting, and countless people do, take a vacation and enjoy. Shoreline Camping is very cheap (watch the tides). Only a minimal entrance fee each 14 days. If you want Pavement parking near shower and toilet facilities, about $8 U.S. a night (last time) Seniors 1/2 price.

There are big and small dumpsters along entrances to the vast shoreline. When the Oil and Gas test wells were being drilled, their service trucks would pick up our filled bags for us, as well as keeping the sand drivable.

Since they have left, the filled bags sit there longer. Eventually someone with an empty truck, stops and gathers them. Side benefit is Excellent Surf fishing btw. Only when the 'Red Tide' runs, is it not the place to be. Respiratory problems affect most people at that rare time. Check with the National Park service before going.

Wildlife including 'bird watching is excellent. The big Kemp-Ridley Turtles even breed there. Great Blue Heron, Mexican Eagles (Caracara) and countless shore and marine birds including prolific 'Brown' Pelicans are your entertainment. Ghost and sand crabs are your 'toys'.

replied to:  Blogengeezer
Replied to:  Padre Island National Seashore is unique. approximately 70 miles of open...

I had a similar experience on Grand Cayman during marriage number 2. He had a condo there on the Atlantic side of the island. I went for a nature walk one day out to the point of the island most exposed to the ocean and was shocked to see the amount of flotsam and jetsam washed up among the rocks along with groups of locals picking through it. They were finding some very cool stuff. While they weren't focusing on removing garbage, just finding things they could use, the end result was removal of at least some of the 'trash'. Everyone benefits. I don't know how the fishing was...

I've heard of subcultures here in the states that live off stuff we throw away. It's very interesting...kind of ...ultimate independence.

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  I had a similar experience on Grand Cayman during marriage...
Dawn, At times I prowl the larger, more interesting Thrift Stores of our city. You are so correct about the re-cycling sub-culture. A few have a 'last chance' area of sorts. The Mexican 'FronChi's are parked at the curb, while loading up ten feet high.

The final discards apparently find extended usefulness in the 'Frontera Chihuahua' (Juarez). It has the overall effect of relocating part of the mass that would normally be buried in our landfill :>)

Grand Cayman was a fun place. You should have stayed friends.. at the least :>) BTW you were right about the 'Sun Sucking Earthers' One was apparently ticked at the audacity of the suggestion.. I tossed him a bone :>)
replied to:  Blogengeezer
Replied to:  Dawn, At times I prowl the larger, more interesting Thrift Stores...
Ain't they cute...those silly people with their empty brains...
::::Sighing fondly:::
I'm running into them a lot on many forums...amazing they can type and breath

The Grand Cayman guy was the WORST thing I've ever done. Nothing was worth keeping him in my life. But I did love the vacations.

Since my fortunes have changed drastically, I am much more exposed to the Thrift Store culture. I am constantly amazed at the things you can find out there. Of course my kids think I'm a heretic to all that is American but they'll get over it.

It astonishes me that most 'green people' don't bother to pick up garbage. I watched a woman driving a Prius step over a newspaper on her way into pay for gas.
I made my son pick it up. His hands are a petri dish anyway. ;)

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Ain't they cute...those silly people with their empty brains... ::::Sighing fondly:::...
Dawn, May I suggest watching these 5 parts. Unless you are already aware of the 'Siberian Traps'. I have watched it a few times (like Bob Carters lesson plan). There is always something interesting from Earth's 'frisky' past. Things a little more drastic than Climate Patterns and cycles. Have fun :>)
replied to:  Blogengeezer
Replied to:  As you have described Patrick, the NWO is dependent on the...
"Ministry of Truth?"

The New World Order is based on A "ministry of Lies"

"Money is the root of all evil"....that is not A biblical phrase....but, one of A man that knew that pure power and wealth in the hands of an elite few could rule the world....or destroy it....

do not believe the media,do not believe the preacher, do not believe your neighbor and definitely do not believe A politician running for office....

....follow the money and you will find the real issue....follow the the money and you will find the real evil....
replied to:  JamesMcAllister
Replied to:  "Ministry of Truth?" The New World Order is based on...
Er, the control of money is the root of all evil. Money itself is the root of prosperity

don't fall into the socialist trap of hating the rich. If no one was richer than anyone else we would all be poor. It's the equation of 'everyone equal at the lowest level'. Very bad thinking.

I wasn't impressed by the mammoth bone thing because I was already aware that they pop up all the time. I see the "thawing" of tundra as a good thing. It could eventually equal more farm land and thus more food to go around.(and more trees for our Australian friend ;)...)
okay, we might lose some Inuit lifestyles but they could become farmers. adaptation is the key to survival after all

If the polar bears die out, the grizzlies and brown bears will take over.
if the tundra thaws then siberians and canadians will have some way to contribute to the needs of the world beyond being a destination for NatGeo film makers that is.

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Er, the control of money is the root of all evil....
I believe that you may have misunderstood my point concerning "money"...I do not hate the rich at all rather those that are in A position to do good but would rather do can not and must not pretend that those with pure power over others are not corrupt in some sick way...there are some extremely wealthy people in this world and I want to believe that the greater number of them are fine, worthy people;albeit,there is an element of rich that will use their wealth to subvert even the simplest person if they could gain just one more dollar.
Global warming is one of those scams used by an elite few to further their agenda of wealth grabbing...
This planet has been evolving since before the first man and it will continue to do so long after we are gone.
We will have to agree to disagree on that point because I firmly believe that money is in fact the root of all evil and that there can be no prosperity for anyone that is subject to the darker side that extreme wealth brings with it...
Money has more value than life and as time moves forward that will become ever more evident, even to you...
replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Er, the control of money is the root of all evil....
Dawn, Yes, everyone 'Equal'..Equally 'poverty stricken'.. 'Unfair' Rhodesia or 'equal' Zimbabwe. Which was better? hmmm let me guess..

Funny you mentioned the NatGeo's. While prowling Thrift Stores, most prolific old Magazine is NatGeo. I find the older issues with their dire predictions fascinating. The number of times history has proven them WRONG is remarkable. Did not realize political agenda driven journalists and editors were so poor at 'Crystal ball'. Las Vegas and Lotto are not their forte'.

I still love their excellent photography, it is a great way to see the world. You also mentioned the Inuit. YT has the 'Alaskan State Police' video series. Remarkable how well the Inuit Socialism and Dependency (predictable poverty)... along with it's 'Alcohol nutrition'...
'Blog' :>)
replied to:  Blogengeezer
Replied to:  Dawn, Yes, everyone 'Equal'..Equally 'poverty stricken'.. 'Unfair' Rhodesia or 'equal' Zimbabwe....
What the hell are u guyz talking about
replied to:  JamesMcAllister
Replied to:  I believe that you may have misunderstood my point concerning "money"...I...

we agree on the global warming scam thing but I would like to make a point about the "wealthiest people in the world"
fact: 80% of the ENTIRE world wealth (the whole thing) is controlled by less than 500 individuals.
fact: about 50% of these 'individuals' are corporations

I think you're spot on about corruption and greed at that level. The mega rich have an agenda and it ain't about making sure any of us are happy healthy wealthy or wise. Its about them and their control over us in a bid to keep all they have and gain even more.

the only thing I object to is the term "wealthy". Everyone seems to have a different idea about what that means. If you change the term to Super Rich or Mega Wealthy or wealthy on a world scale, not a neighborhood scale, I'll agree with you about every one of your points. I just want to be clear on whom, exactly, you're talking about.

:::waving at Blog while hiding whiskey bottle:::: I love the pictures too, its the slant I can't stomach!

::::looking at "interesting question person"::: is it the actual use of language you find confusing or just the topic?

freedom is everything and diversity is Divine
replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  James, we agree on the global warming scam thing but...
Well I went through this list to see how "well up" every one was, on the global warming scam.
I expected to see at least one referance to:

This documentary is classic. or certainly has enough class to have been suppressed by the US media and released on DVD at a price. and although made 4 years ago it foretells of the currupt information being churned out by the "grant recipients" who have come out of the wood work to support the scam.together with the political aggendas addopted by factions and governments It addresses all the false information being generated.
You can watch it for free on Google. It preceedes
Bob Carters warnings.

replied to:  GFWHELL
Replied to:  Well I went through this list to see how "well up"...
Hey GF,

I tried to link to the vid but I got Google Error (how typical)
Do you have any names associated with this that I can use to track it?

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  Hey GF, I tried to link to the vid but...
Befor I sent the last Email I double checked the site I gave you and it worked fine. tonite I checked it again and it has been removed, It has also been removed from BBC channel 4.
However it is still available at some other sites, one of which is:

Free Movies & Documentaries - The Great Global Warming Swindle ...

So hurry up and down load it.

This free movie site resides among sites run by critics of the film,
You could read the: Wikepedia "ballenced assessment" of
the film which gives all the hyperlinks to the opposers of the film and none to the "subject matter".the film it self.
You can still "pay" to get a copy, but you dont have to "pay" to see the crap that AL Gore provides.

replied to:  GFWHELL
Replied to:  Dawn. Befor I sent the last Email I double checked the...
@GF: william Connoley is super 'tight' with Wiki founder. They have worked together to bias 'Change' over 1,000 Wiki items pertaining to AGW. They favor the pro AGW site of where William Connoley works. They labor day and night to dispell Steve McIntyres william Connoley is the AGW 'Gate Keeper'. No way any thing not straight HAD/CRU AGW, gets posted in Wiki. Both are Al Gore worshippers. Beware of Wiki. It is extremely questionable. Now more so than ever. 'Blog'
replied to:  Blogengeezer
Replied to:  @GF: william Connoley is super 'tight' with Wiki founder. They have...
I see what you mean , they are using this site as a soap box.
I seem to be able to send web site naes through Email but stuff is getting censured by web sites like this.
Try this web site again:

Try removing one of the bars betwenn d=5 and put in an = sign

replied to:  GFWHELL
Replied to:  I see what you mean , they are using this site...
GF, Blog,

I found it

watching it now, brb


I'm back. Thanks GF! That was great. I'm beginning to really love this forum, so much sharing and knowledge and directions to go in. You all make me happy.

So anyhoo, I was thinking about Africa and electricity and that poor woman cooking over a fire...
I'm going out in search of (remember that show? Nemoy was so creepy!) charities and organizations who are actively working to bring REAL electricity to those people. If I find any, I'll let you know. If I don't, well, maybe I'd better look into what it takes to start a charity or organization as well... These people really deserve better than a bunch of left wing nutbags with wind mills strapped to their pasty skinned, never worked a day in my life and have no major muscle groups backs, working on their behalf. anti-humanists indeed!

You know, the other thing that has me curious is the fact that the ground is warmer but the troposphere is not. I've been doing a lot of reading about cosmic radiation and the galactic core, the iridium levels in ice cores, gamma ray detection, you know, Big Brain Science. I know I'm being studiously ignored on this subject but it really is fascinating and relevant to the whole thing.
Gamma ray detection is up...and seems to tie in with the increased severity and frequency of large event earthquakes. (I monitor both things via twitter, very handy)What if the ground is warmer because of the gamma rays too?
could also account for unusual melting patterns in land locked glaciers..

just a thought. I expect to be ripped to shreds :)

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  GF, Blog, I found it watching...
Cooking food in a poverty stricken nation will turn it into a desert, the Sahara was not always a desert and is man made.
The burning of trees has a far greater impact on the quality of the planet's atmospher than anything else.
There is a Site called "WWW.WOODGAS.COM" They have developed a small gasifier which will burn wood 300% more efficiently without smoke. That is the sort of device which is needed for a starter.It will save lives and is reasonably cheap to produce.
Coming back to TGGWS. It is very sinister this documentary is being suppresed.there is only a hanfull of individuals who now control the entire Media.I get the feeling that a majority of these forums are engineered to filter the exchange of "some" information. It would not be too difficult to carry out a few tests for confirmation.
There is another forum
Where discussions on down to earth problems assocated with
fuel take place.people all over the world are worried about where their next WATTS are coming from,
For without electricity we are all doomed.

replied to:  GFWHELL
Replied to:  Dawn Cooking food in a poverty stricken nation will turn it...

you know, one of my all time favorite stories is Lucifer's Hammer by Niven(one of the top three greatest hardcore scifi writers ever) and Pournelle. It is one of the reasons I am a proponent of nuclear power.
Originally, back when I only thought with a small part of my available wattage, I liked it as a 'end of the world' story. I recently reread it and was struck by the sheer humanity of the tale and the line:
"give my children back the lightning" (not exact)
as well as the story of the brilliant, dying, diabetic man, killed by the lack of availability of insulin due to the tech needed to make the stuff, who's most pressing goal is to save as many books about tech and know how as he can and pass on this hiding place to others who will make use of it.

I believe it will soon be important to do that and, if you haven't already, start making an effort now. We must save the knowledge of controlling the lightning, genetics, engineering, and so much more because the ones who believe that primitive life is best are now in charge. They will come for our best and brightest and they will come for the books. I see this as FAR more dangerous than them coming for the guns.
they must suppress intelligence to control the people. You, me, Blog, James...all of our smart friends, our schools, universities, libraries...we are all targets.

I risk quite a lot when I tell you that I have collected many books about many subjects written by many brilliant men and women and am currently making arrangements to secure them from destruction. I have friends doing that with guns too but the books are more important. Pass the word.

do not be surprised when I delete a portion of this post. I take this very seriously and I agree, this medium is too easy to track.

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  GF, you know, one of my all time favorite stories...
It would seem that government can only function while they are protecting us from fictional dangers.
For instance, We had the long standing "Cold War" which dragged on for decades, Nuclear obliteration,
was supposedly the one element which prevented it from "Hotting up" It seemed essential to have an Arms race to keep one jump ahead in technology. Vast fortunes were channeled to the military/industrial providers
who furnished the tools of our protection.
If we were really under threat from an enemy, would it not be beneficial to bring down the government of that enemy? Would we have rejoiced if the people rose up in that threatening country and destroyed their leaders. a commissar hanging from every lamp post? Starvation really makes the natives restless.
Well consider this. The western alliance sent several million tons of "Food" per annum to the USSR over the entire period of the cold war. In fact it was said that you could lift the lid of any garbage bin in the USSR and find "stale bread". The reason being, our enemy government had promised their people, they would always have bread on the table. How could they make and keep such a promise?
We have come along way since the siege of Troy it would seem. The horse was filled with food
Now we have the threat of CO2 being forced up our nose, I have noticed that when ever rising temperatures are mentioned by the CO2 brigade, they always say "over the last 20 years" This is because, there has been NO global warming for the last ten years. The oceans will retain heat after any warm spell. but the mean global atmospheric temperature is not increasing. We got very little information about the "CLIMATEGATE" hacked Emails. The industrial complex is reving up on CO2 reduction, there is going to be a squandering of resources the like the world has never seen.
I am sending to as many people as I know, few have ever viewed this film, but I think it is to late now.

replied to:  GFWHELL
Replied to:  Dawn. It would seem that government can only function while they...

Don't give up my friend. This is HUGE but we can do this. Look at the intelligence rallied at just this one little web site.
I am a convert! I used to be on the other side, so to speak. If one man can do it, another man can do it. We have to keep going, keep talking. I just wish more people would get interested!

THAT is the most frustrating thing! When ever I get a good conversation going about something important, I use my brain, speak intelligently...and they stop talking.

try this in a bar and find yourself talking to the bowl of complimentary peanuts...I swear...

I looked into the wood gas thing...very interesting but is it practical in desert countries? I think not
BTW I was devastated to learn that the Sahara is man made. It's the one type of environment I haven't visited in my lifetime (besides the Himalayas but I'm not going to climb THAT) and I always thought it sounded like the subtlest, most dramatic place in the world. I'm a big fan of deserts in general. They are so unforgiving, brutal yet delicate.

replied to:  lehmann520
Replied to:  GF Don't give up my friend. This is HUGE but...
Have you ever tried hiding a White Elephant behind a Midget!
An Easy Science Experiment, which anyone can do--gives same results to all Researchers--
About 3 pm on a summer-day, Go to a Shopping Center, which is paved by "Black-Asphalt"-! (Bring oil ointment for burns with you!) Remove your Socks & Shoes, & "Walk" about 40yds "Bare-footed" on the hot asphalt--& wave your right hand briskly through the Air to contact as much Co2 Gas as you can--as you walk-! Now, let your nerves 'tell' you--Did the Hand get Burned, that you waved thru the Air-!? No-!? Then you found the Co2 Gas didn't have much effect! How about your FEET-!? Did they get burned from THE HEAT-!? Yep! So now, we find the Co2 Gas can be compressed in a small container the size of a "Plum"--but this won't heat any room-area in a house-! We've used small Coke-sized Fire Extinquishers in High School Chemistry. If you press the 'Trigger'--the 'clear' Co2 rushes out,& forms "Frost" on the nozzle-! (This means the Co2 'cools'--not Heats the Air-!) Composition of Air--only has .031% Co2 Gas! Means, you can triple the amount of Co2 Gas, & still Not have a tenth of 1%-! "Common-Sense" of 'Scientic Research' is proving Al Gore published a Hoax-! And Obama bought it-! In this Science Experiment, observers should get same Results each time, including Blind-men, or a 3rd Grader in Grade School-! If you doubt the Result you got--you & your friends need to 'Repeat' the experiment of getting "Heat to the Feet"--until you're sure that you got Results! Congressmen--especially, "Need to do this Walk--before they do the Talk-"
The fact that "Black Asphalt" can gain heat temperatures in excess of 125 degrees under a "hot summer sun", & the thin Air with less weight-mass doesn't--are basic facts in Science-!
We have 5.7 million miles of Highways & Streets in the U.S.--without counting all of the "Black-Asphalt" paved, 'Parking-Lots'-!! The rolled paving is over 6" thick, because cars & Trucks drive on them-! That's enough Asphalt-Paving to completely cover the State of IOWA--which has 56,274 sq. miles, or 15% of the U.S. land-area. That 6" thickness provides the Weight-Mass needed for a 'hot-sun' to heat up asphalt temperatures--to a point, where the ground & air, gets a temp-rise--of over 2 degrees for Global-Warming Change-! But it's not the Co2 Gas that did IT-! It's the 'Billions of Tons' of "Solid" Carbon-Asphalt--that DID IT-! Obama wants to "Tax the Co2 Gas", & it "Trades & Trickles Down" to the consumers of Electric & Gas industries, & when they (pay?) the Co2 "Fines", it passes down to Tax-Payers, who make less than $100,000 a year, who then get their Gas & Electric Bills--"Doubled"!! (Is that a Fair Trade!?) You get your "Hidden-Taxes" raised--because He's lied Again-! (I'm sure that your nerves told you the Truth--each time, your Feet got burned--but your Hand didn't-!) Laugh, if you want to see Congress give themselves a "Hot-Foot"--if they don't believe in simple Scientific Facts-!! Cheers for the 445th Air Defense!
replied to:  Patrick324
Replied to:  It's based on carefully truncated temperature graphs, rigged simulations, and "votes"...
@patrick324----------------How right you are, but instead of arguing the scientific fiction that "eco-progressives"hope to control mankind with, I'm going to appeal to common sense! How can anyone take this issue seriously when the lefts' own scientists have admitted lying and altering data to incite unfounded fears in the worlds population? All that said, I often wonder what kind of uninformed peon would accept anything that Al Gore has a connection to? If a person learns of the unrealistic and psychotic claims that have been made by Gore throughout his public exposure, they have to doubt the sanity of Al Gore! He claims to have invented the internet, he claims the movie "Love Story" was based on his personal experiences, the man recites all sorts of technical and scientific facts that make no sense at all, and he continually makes a fool of himself at every turn! It would be interesting to know who really recruited Gore to spout the hysterical nonsense he puts out because this guy is far from smart enough to manufacture such fiction. It's scary to think that this "special ed" flunkee was within a heartbeat of having his unstable finger on the nuclear button of America!
replied to:  Patrick324
Replied to:  It's based on carefully truncated temperature graphs, rigged simulations, and "votes"...
You're right. Since I'm used to cycling and using my electric bike somewhere in the Middle Kingdom.. but now I have to buy a mmotorbike as my country's local transport is not very efficient... so I will start again harming the very air I breath... thats my daughter's also... and my wife's.... or maybe It's nothing to worry about. But I still remember the first place I used to learn swimming.. now, not even a duck can swim there. Where is the clean river.. where is the fishes and prawns have gone... what happens to my nostrils... y?
replied to:  Patrick324
Replied to:  It's based on carefully truncated temperature graphs, rigged simulations, and "votes"...
You're right. Since I'm used to cycling and using my electric bike somewhere in the Middle Kingdom.. but now I have to buy a mmotorbike as my country's local transport is not very efficient... so I will start again harming the very air I breath... thats my daughter's also... and my wife's.... or maybe It's nothing to worry about. But I still remember the first place I used to learn swimming.. now, not even a duck can swim there. Where is the clean river.. where is the fishes and prawns have gone... what happens to my nostrils... y?
replied to:  Patrick324
Replied to:  It's based on carefully truncated temperature graphs, rigged simulations, and "votes"...
Its not a fraud..but somehow hyped or over-reacted topic as part of global politics..still its a point to concern as we can feel the change in normal temperature of earth and other environmental effects..Let's see what will happen in future..
replied to:  Patrick324
Replied to:  It's based on carefully truncated temperature graphs, rigged simulations, and "votes"...
Its a myth to me