Examining the trend of the UN supporting rebel causes - Libya
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Why is it that the UN and American leadership and the general American public engage in bias support of rebel causes when "tens of thousands" protesters do not represent the majority opinion in a country where there are millions? True the Libyan leader has a bad human rights history, but since when does America support the radical opinion of a "few" compared with the democratic process of the "majority"? First Egypt & Yemen, next Libya & Lebanon, finally the US? Is revolution the only answer to initiate change? America is great only because we have freedom of speech and what is considered a safe and fair political environment. In dictatorships, repression will always result in desperate rebellion if they think they have a chance through bloodshed initiate change. Why not minimize the fatalities and engage in sanctions that lead to compromise and a democratic process? Why not make the UN a "tribunal" for human rights and leadership accountability?