Doesn't global warming have more to do with space weather or sunspots than our carbon footprint?
replied to: yukna
Replied to: Doesn't global warming have more to do with space weather or...
Let me refer you to an excellent movie on the subject that I just finished watching
it's over an hour but the first half hour or so will answer your question. Recently this film has become harder to find and access so if you are really interested in global warming, the great lie, download it. There are several excellent discussions in some of the longer threads under this topic and several very intelligent polite people associated with them
good luck and enjoy the film
replied to: yukna
Replied to: Doesn't global warming have more to do with space weather or...
The Earths cycle causes a series of heating and cooling in temperature, the Pleistocene (Ice Age) was the last event of cooling and about 10,000 years ago it started warming again, also the Pliocene (the epoch before the Pleistocene) was in the warming part of the cycle, so it`s all part of the cycle of the Earths climate changes. The thing about it though is that humans (but not only humans other effects too) are increasing the process of this. Also the green house gases are probably playing a key role in this, just look at Venus scientists used to think that it was covered in dense jungle, (until of course we saw it that kinda set us straight)I don`t think that we`ll end up like Venus but still it`s all part of the cycle, i bet if you give it a couple million years we`ll be freaking about "global cooling".
replied to: Cronotosaur
Replied to: The Earths cycle causes a series of heating and cooling in...
You have no clue as to what you are talking about and are very wrong. You should do some research into the actual causes of global climates before you blithely answer posts.
the Pleistocene was NOT the last ice age, the Younger Dryas, the Little Ice Age are just two in the continuing cycle of arid cold/ warm wet patterns of global climate
activity in the sun drives the climate. Recently the sun is approaching a high point in the sunpot cycle. This causes the global climate to warm. Earth will not turn into Venus because of this.
If you want to go all gloom and doom and REALLY have something to worry about, let's talk galactic core eruptions and solar alignments. Unless you think all the earthquakes are just...because....mother earth is punishing all us gas guzzlers and meat eaters...
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: You have no clue as to what you are talking about...
I like your ending, because just last week my grandmother (who never leaves her house) said the same thing about the erruption of that vulcano in Iceland. It is God...
But on the other hand I wonder if you realy think that we have no influence at all for the global warming? We do pollute our planet for more then is good for us and we do emit large amounts of green house gases daily (and less gets removed by deforrestation), must have some influence?