Posts 1 - 17 of 17
Do you agree that Al Gore is a hypocritical gluttonous fat pig making millions of bucks by conning the world with his scaremongering rubbish about so called catastrophic climate change and doomsday global warming scenarios.
I reckon Al Gore should be charged with child abuse for scaring little kids by lying to them about the impending death of our planet from his hocus pocus climate change data and making kids hate adults by saying it's our fault.
When in fact it is all scaremongering bullshit and no more credible than the rubbish about the existence of his or anyone elses ethereal gods.
PS,.,I admit that lately he looks like he has shed a few pounds.
replied to: frozzbite
Replied to: Do you agree that Al Gore is a hypocritical gluttonous fat...
Al Gore is a rich son of a bitch and he and his family have stolen every damn dime they have
replied to: jim1939
Replied to: Al Gore is a rich son of a bitch and he...
G'day jim1939,.,Goodonya mate,I really dig short sharp succinctful replies that are on the nail truisms.
I reckon Al "the bore' Gore's climate chaos scenarios and his very cheapo looking big screen graphics are as factually deficient as is all the utterly useless garbage that is nauseatingly sprayed out by the jehovah jiving jesus junkies and all other various godgobbers who are a scourgeful plague on Planet Ours.
We need a USA with an Atheist President.
I'm a very happy Atheist and Skeptic of all the godgobbing malarky and climate fiasco rubbish.
That really pisses off the Al Gore brigade which in turn pleases me immensely!!!
What a ginormous mind bogglingly expensive farce that has just been held in Copenhagen.
It's utterly disgusting that politicians, climate chaos bozos and dopey protesters are allowed to even put this type of "event" on,to deal with their scaremongering global warming crap.
While it was on, the USA was in the grip of unprecedented below freezing weather patterns.
Seeya later jim1939,.,I'm off to neck a cold one son.(looks like I forgot about short sharp and succint)
replied to: frozzbite
Replied to: G'day jim1939,.,Goodonya mate,I really dig short sharp succinctful replies that are...
This whole site seems to be populated with "head in the sand moronic dinosaurs".
No one is MAKING MONEY out of being alarmed by climate change. They're just concerned about YOUR KIDS !!
The only people making money are those fighting tooth & nail to maintain the Status Quo !
God help us all ........ you people get to VOTE ? What hope is there for us ?
replied to: frozzbite
Replied to: Do you agree that Al Gore is a hypocritical gluttonous fat...
100% agreement!! (to frozzbite)
replied to: delimentary
Replied to: This whole site seems to be populated with "head in the...
To delimentary,.,HA HA HA!!! What a joke your reply is.
Who do you want to help you???,.,.,.a non-existent bloody god.
These gods you godgobbers rant about are equally used as alarmist rhetoric in just the same way as stupid nauseating belly aching climate chaos choristers.
And once again,you keep on using kids as a gimmock to try and win your pointless fictional unsubstantiated global warming/climate change doomsday scenarios.
And what have you got to say about the current record breaking freezing blizzard conditions affecting practically all of the northern hemisphere?
What part of your current "run for the hills the world is on fire catastrophe junk" do these freezing weather conditions play a part in.
I'm laughing me self silly that these ice storms has happened right at the same time as the global warming meltdown farce is on in Copenhagen.
I utterly condemn you scaremongering nutters are for conning kids into believing in your godgobbering rubbish and climate change bullshit.
It's also obvious you haven't done any research on Al "the bore" Gore and his living conditions.
The formerly bigger gluttonous pig might have lost a few kilos lately.
Gore, is a mega hypocrite and a fraud.
He spans the globe constantly, travelling in luxury, in the ever so nauseatingly mentioned carbon chaos that luxury plane travel causes.
replied to: delimentary
Replied to: This whole site seems to be populated with "head in the...
G'day vonwenz,.,eeerz cheeerz to your ears,.,how about expounding a bit more on the "Bore"
replied to: frozzbite
Replied to: To delimentary,.,HA HA HA!!! What a joke your reply is.
Um, can you not rant on us? We belive in God, that's our choice. Just because you don't doesn't make it right. Not all of us are raving nutters trying to shove it down your throat, I enjoy partying and stuff, i just dont hop into a bed with some random person afterwards. I'm not trying to say you are wrong or anything, but that's sorta sterotypical. No offence or anything. I respect what you belive.
replied to: hopelesswanderer
Replied to: Um, can you not rant on us? We belive in God,...
G'day hopelesswanderer,.,you really are a sipid, soppy jehovah jiving jesus junkie godgobber aint ya!!
Listen up mate,.,get off the friggin fence and say what ya really mean.
Stop bellyaching about leaving you alone.
I HATE ALL godgobbers of any belief or of any of the stupid cults.
I especially HATE the biggest one of all,.,catholics.
I don't respect your pitiful NUTJOB beliefs in what ever gods muck sky monkey garbage you are wasting your life on following.
If you believe in jesus junk and gods muck then as far as I am concerned you're a raving nutter jobby lunatic.
It's easy to confirm this conclusion by looking at your woefully imbecilic and moronic little tirade of "i just dont hop into a bed with some random person afterwards"
Man o man,.,you really are a freaky weirdo godgobber!!!
Maybe you should get laid while screeching sexy stories from your godgobber book. Whatever floats ya boat eh!!!
And what about Exodus 21,.,,.,do you also like kids mate???
Seeya hopelesswanderer,.,do yaself a favour and become a free man,.,become an Atheist with an unlimited sense of humour.
PS,.,Watch this video. It explains part of the reason I HATE godgobbers. It's because of what you teach little kids in schools and churches and what is indoctrinated into kids brains from the godgobber book so that you can make them the next generation of nasty minded violent murdering fundamentalist godgobbers.
replied to: frozzbite
Replied to: G'day hopelesswanderer,.,you really are a sipid, soppy jehovah jiving jesus junkie...
A truly free man would never demand that some one else be less free to be what they choose to be.
hatred is so ugly
infinite diversity in infinite combination and smile more
replied to: delimentary
Replied to: This whole site seems to be populated with "head in the...
This post is old so I don't know you'll ever read this but here goes anyway...
lots of people are making money off the fear generated by media hype and carefully aimed pressure of climate change...they generally use the term 'global warming'
it sells everything from light bulbs to cars, backyard garden kits to survival shelters, organically grown food (a moronic term but what the hell)to recycle-able what evers
to believe otherwise is staggeringly naive
climate change is real and the concept that it maybe changing in a way that will make our current way of life untenable over the long run is valid but that's where I step off the wagon and encourage others to do the same
replied to: lehmann520
Replied to: This post is old so I don't know you'll ever read...
Cosmotologists have assertained that water vapour (Clouds) are effected by EM Radiation at various levels and frequencies causing combination of droplets (SEEDING) If you like, thus causing precipitation.
The Maundum levels of the suns output varies with the appearance of sunspots, The inconvenient truth is that these variations match the climate change the planet has experienced over many centuries. Sun spots have been studied for hundreds of years. This infommation has not been widely published as it does not make money for any one.
Yes the glaciers are shrinking. Glaciers are ice rivers flowing under the effect of gravity, moving only a few centimeters per year. Like all rivers they require precipation, otherwise they dry up. Which is precisely what is happeneing.
The precipitation paterns have changed on our planet.Not because the air is getting warmer, the cause is due to the
big energy ball in the sky. The last ten years hve been colder. Lets hope the suns radiation improves our climate so we can grow two harvests a year to feed the worlds population befor it doubles.
No one has suggested applying a cap or sheath in trade here.
replied to: frozzbite
Replied to: Do you agree that Al Gore is a hypocritical gluttonous fat...
For those who have taken in Al Gores: "inconvenient truth"
Try taking in:
"The greate global warming swindle"
Viewing these two vidio's will give those with an open mind two opposing points of veiw.
Bearing in mind the age of the latter vidio with its referances to the scientific communities agenda for research funds, coupled to the recent "climate gate" revalations, adds to a thickening consparacy.
Well worth watching.
replied to: delimentary
Replied to: This whole site seems to be populated with "head in the...
Boy are you stupid
replied to: frozzbite
Replied to: Do you agree that Al Gore is a hypocritical gluttonous fat...
I have come to the conclusion that we all have a little blame global warming and its consequences and guilt even more politicians who do not slow down.
replied to: delimentary
Replied to: This whole site seems to be populated with "head in the...
The first thing idiots such as you need to get into your loopy godgobbing vacant spaced brains is that your ethereal sky man is pure fiction.
The best hope for Planet Ours, is that all YOU nauseatingly useless prayer mongering godgobbers die out.
Hopefully, you and all the other disgusting religious maniacs of every type becomes just a painful distant part of history.
replied to: delimentary
Replied to: This whole site seems to be populated with "head in the...
The first thing idiots such as you need to get into your loopy godgobbing vacant spaced brains is that your ethereal sky man is pure fiction.
The best hope for Planet Ours, is that all YOU nauseatingly useless prayer mongering godgobbers die out.
Hopefully, you and all the other disgusting religious maniacs of every type becomes just a painful distant part of history.