"UN agency says bus and subway workers had right to strike in 2005" Just found this article through Twitter. Does your organization have the statement referred to in this article, stating the Taylor law "violates core principals expressed in international law--and a treaty ratified by the U.S. Senate." What International law does this refer to, other than the declaration of human rights 1947?
The article also stated the agency's decision stated "fines imposedon wokers and TU Local 100 should be returned." Can anyone direct me to this decision?
Thank you. This decision should have been covered by more of the media.
K. Van Outryve
The article also stated the agency's decision stated "fines imposedon wokers and TU Local 100 should be returned." Can anyone direct me to this decision?
Thank you. This decision should have been covered by more of the media.
K. Van Outryve