This global warming problem has all the hallmarks of a new religion replete with the usual number of zealots one would expect to find in any extreme religion.
Let me explain my thoughts on the matter:
Is the globe heating up ?
Probably, but be careful about the much circulated temperature readings. Remember a lot of the temperature information is coming from satellites and they only in the last 10 years or so with any degree of accuracy. Before that who knows what the accuracy of readings taken from all over the world by many different people of differing abilities was.
Is mankind responsible for the increase?:
Well I didn't need a cancer specialist to tell me that dragging in all that smoke was bad for my lungs so likewise for the environment and car exhausts etc. However you are guessing if you say you know by how much we are to blame.
Can we do anything about it?:
I believe the short answer is a resounding NO.
There is a large number of people who think that if we put up a few windmills for electricity and throw billions at research on tidal systems or whatever then we will be alright (ie somebody else do something)whilst we do our bit by not using plastic bags from the supermarket. If the problem is that bad then better start unplugging the fridge, turning off the tele and parking the car in the garage. Ahh that's different isn't it?
The much revered IPCC is not a group of scientists they are in essentially a group of administrators who collate scientific evidence from around the world. They have been guilty in the past of lets say "misinterpreting" the evidence.
If the North polar ice cap melts totally it will not raise the sea level one inch. Al Gore et al please note. The North polar ice cap floats, there is no land mass beneath it so melting won't change the sea level ( kids stuff really, didnt these guys ever go to school).
Moral point
Who are we to say to some family in China or India that they can't have a car? Make them more efficient I hear you say. If you could make them 90% more efficient the problem would still catch you up in a few years.
The clear culprit in all of this is obviously the population density of the planet. If you and I lived alone on the planet we could spew as much gasses as we liked into the air without a single problem.
Financial point:
What if your wrong, if we leave it we might leave it too late. A common response to a request for an informed debate.
How about the reverse argument. If we, the developed nations in the world tell everybody the problem is man made then we are admitting that we are the most to blame. You dont need a degree in business studies to see that this is a golden opportunity for less developed nations to hang a price tag on this for which we (ie you)will have to pay.
Let me explain my thoughts on the matter:
Is the globe heating up ?
Probably, but be careful about the much circulated temperature readings. Remember a lot of the temperature information is coming from satellites and they only in the last 10 years or so with any degree of accuracy. Before that who knows what the accuracy of readings taken from all over the world by many different people of differing abilities was.
Is mankind responsible for the increase?:
Well I didn't need a cancer specialist to tell me that dragging in all that smoke was bad for my lungs so likewise for the environment and car exhausts etc. However you are guessing if you say you know by how much we are to blame.
Can we do anything about it?:
I believe the short answer is a resounding NO.
There is a large number of people who think that if we put up a few windmills for electricity and throw billions at research on tidal systems or whatever then we will be alright (ie somebody else do something)whilst we do our bit by not using plastic bags from the supermarket. If the problem is that bad then better start unplugging the fridge, turning off the tele and parking the car in the garage. Ahh that's different isn't it?
The much revered IPCC is not a group of scientists they are in essentially a group of administrators who collate scientific evidence from around the world. They have been guilty in the past of lets say "misinterpreting" the evidence.
If the North polar ice cap melts totally it will not raise the sea level one inch. Al Gore et al please note. The North polar ice cap floats, there is no land mass beneath it so melting won't change the sea level ( kids stuff really, didnt these guys ever go to school).
Moral point
Who are we to say to some family in China or India that they can't have a car? Make them more efficient I hear you say. If you could make them 90% more efficient the problem would still catch you up in a few years.
The clear culprit in all of this is obviously the population density of the planet. If you and I lived alone on the planet we could spew as much gasses as we liked into the air without a single problem.
Financial point:
What if your wrong, if we leave it we might leave it too late. A common response to a request for an informed debate.
How about the reverse argument. If we, the developed nations in the world tell everybody the problem is man made then we are admitting that we are the most to blame. You dont need a degree in business studies to see that this is a golden opportunity for less developed nations to hang a price tag on this for which we (ie you)will have to pay.