Asses the achievements of
Gamal Abdel Nasser from 1952 to 1970
replied to: a2a2a2
Replied to: Asses the achievements of
Gamal Abdel Nasser from 1952 to...
My wife has a 2000 E320. We had a A/C hose concection leak which I fixed and refilled with R134a. Everything worked fine for a couple of days then the ac started acting up once again. There is no EC light on and the ac seems to work fine in the morning hours or when the car is first started in the morning. If you drive the car to work, cut it off and go back out in ten minutes or so, the ac will not work at that point. I did remove and clean the duovalves this morning to make sure this was not the problem. Everything worked good until she got back into the car a couple of hours later to go to work and no ac. I am sure it is a sensor somewhere, I just don't know where. Have seen a help topic in this one [url=]Kendall AC Duct Cleaning[/url] but was not supported. Any help will be appreciated. Oh yea if I don't get this fixed I'll be the one in HOT water!