We are about to experience dec. 21, 2012. the restart of the 26,000 year long count calender. here is a theory that I believe that can explain all the knowledge that the ancients had. If you look at societies current technology. we can now start mapping space and get a pretty accurate movement of the constelations. Okay, being that we are going to restart this long count calender. we are going to want to somehow build something or do something so that 26,000 years down the road, if we lsot all this knowledge we have now can be recovered in the future. Take into account that every year or so computing power increases by a factor of 5. If we continue on the same path 100 years down the road we could have the technology to build pyramids. And with this technology we can inscribe hyroglyphics telling us that at these certain points when certain plantes are in certain constellations these things will happen. Now being that we are a electric based society, once the electric goes out for extended periods of time we lose all our information. So to get to the cut and dry, at the start of every 26,000 year cycle we have the all the knowledge, but we let it get to our heads. as we continue through this 26,000 years we will begin to realize that eclectric based technology is no way to store knowledge. So we build these megalithic structures as long term reminder of the knowledge we have. But as we coninue on this 26,000 year cycle things happen to where we lose certain parts of our knowledge, via natural dissater or self-inflicted. So we go through a period of losing and reaquiring knowledge. And over the cousre of this losing and discovery we forget that we built all these structures at the beginning of the cycle and only find it at the end, and think the ancient people new something we did not. when it was really us building these things to try and remind us of this causality loop that we seem to be stuck. 26,000 is long enough time to build great knowledge and have the miniscull things to get detroyed through natural geological time, and the weather. One quote to remember, is legend became myth and myth becamelegend and all that was remembered was fogotten only to remember at a later time.