Ahmadinejad's was a kinda limp wristed approach, considering the warlike noises that are being directed at his country, by the very same elements that committed the crimes of 911 in the first place.
[b]Ahmadinejad tells UN most blame US government for 9/11[/b]
His overlong intro with unnecessary quotations from the Koran, and references to the Prophet and his family, is blasphemous in the light of his refusal to "cast truth at falsehood," as he like all Moslems, is commanded by Allah, as per the following instruction in the Koran.
[quote][b]In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.[/b]
We cast the truth against the falsehood, so that it breaks its head, and it vanishes, and woe unto you for what you describe.
[b]The Koran: Chapter 21 The Prophets, verse 18.[/b][/quote]
Is he gonna say that with the resources at his disposal all that he could come up with was, "..most people believe the US Government was behind the attacks of September 11, 2001."
His silence indicts him, not only as a false Moslem, but also as an integral part of the overall Zionist plan, he should be ranting and roaring to the high heavens that it was a Zionist plot,
Like the Holocaust was, like both world wars and the activities of Napoleon Bonapart and Oliver Cromwell, that Julius Caesar had a similar modus operandi as the last two, so there is every reason to believe that he too was a tool of the Jews!
The Zionists intend to nuke Iran back to the stone age, while the weapons the same Zionists have supplied him, are gonna sink the US battle fleets and level US cities, in justified response after the Zionist sponsored first strike on Iran.
For the fact that occupied Palestine is to be nuked, is because the Z's have already gone and left Russian-Askenazi-crypto-Jews minding the shop, while they lit out for Australia and New Zealand, they are gonna return to the US and establish a false homeland under the aegis of a false Messiah in Texas
[b]Ahmadinejad tells UN most blame US government for 9/11[/b]
His overlong intro with unnecessary quotations from the Koran, and references to the Prophet and his family, is blasphemous in the light of his refusal to "cast truth at falsehood," as he like all Moslems, is commanded by Allah, as per the following instruction in the Koran.
[quote][b]In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.[/b]
We cast the truth against the falsehood, so that it breaks its head, and it vanishes, and woe unto you for what you describe.
[b]The Koran: Chapter 21 The Prophets, verse 18.[/b][/quote]
Is he gonna say that with the resources at his disposal all that he could come up with was, "..most people believe the US Government was behind the attacks of September 11, 2001."
His silence indicts him, not only as a false Moslem, but also as an integral part of the overall Zionist plan, he should be ranting and roaring to the high heavens that it was a Zionist plot,
Like the Holocaust was, like both world wars and the activities of Napoleon Bonapart and Oliver Cromwell, that Julius Caesar had a similar modus operandi as the last two, so there is every reason to believe that he too was a tool of the Jews!
The Zionists intend to nuke Iran back to the stone age, while the weapons the same Zionists have supplied him, are gonna sink the US battle fleets and level US cities, in justified response after the Zionist sponsored first strike on Iran.
For the fact that occupied Palestine is to be nuked, is because the Z's have already gone and left Russian-Askenazi-crypto-Jews minding the shop, while they lit out for Australia and New Zealand, they are gonna return to the US and establish a false homeland under the aegis of a false Messiah in Texas