A big fan of the '60s/'70s space program, astronomy, technology and computer history, I recently purchased David Mindell's great book, "Digital Apollo". The development of the AGC and related systems is simply fascinating. The technology used was, at the time, radical. By necessity, it had to be. Particularly interesting to me was the use of core-rope memory for software storage. Prior to reading "Digital Apollo", I had not heard of this technology. The process of hand threading copper wire through and around ferrite cores representing the binary 1s and 0s used by the software seems like science fiction. The thing that really strikes me is just what was accomplished with this now-ancient technology. Computers today are vastly more complex and powerful, yet what was done with the AGC in particular has yet to be topped. The advances made for Apollo are directly responsible for the wired world we are now in. Nothing exemplifies this more than the Apollo Guidance Computer. My hat is off to it's developers and builders.