ACORN a political venture
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The annual budget of ACORN, a proactive democratic party afroamerican voting scheme had a 2008 budget of 50 million dollars. The democratic controlled congress allowed Obama, our president to give them 5 billion dollars from the US Treasury as an economic stimulus, thats 100 times more money than they had during the 2008 democratic election. There are many many volunteers, frequently setting up their own independent polling stations. I tried to place a provisional vote in Flour Bluff Texas at the Waldron Road ACORN polling Station, being new in town,I looked it up on the internet, Tried to vote, and was asked to leave the polling station (wearing a McCain Button) I called the police and they told me to go to city hall and place a complaint. I went to the corpus christi city hall and voted, they accepted my complaint and said they (ACORN) were not allowed to refuse a provisional ballot. I had my birth certificate, drivers liscense, social security card, and other clear evidence that I am myself. I read that in Philly they submitted an exact copy of the telephone book as having registered and voted for Obama, and many many other voting fraud schemes all around the country