Water hyacinth
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Using choppers if water hyacinth is cut to a size of 1-2 inches, will it regrow? Is there a minimum size at which regrowth is not possible? 0 8/29/2015
Is hyacinth edible?It not what are the specific chemicals that contribute to its non-edible property? 0 8/1/2015
I would like to know the original classification of Eichhornia crassipes and why it is called water hyacinth if it is not under Hyacinthus? 0 8/1/2015
Why water hyacinth become nutritional ideal to be utilized in dry form basis than on wet basis in animal feeds , especially fish feed? 0 7/10/2015
Will water hyacinth in a garden pond help to reduce nitrates, nitrite, ammonia etc - caused by fish detritis ? 0 5/16/2015