Trench warfare
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What are the earliest known siege engines? 2 9/22/2015
How did the trench warfare started and why? 0 11/18/2014
What was the commonly used trench warfare techniques? 2 6/15/2014
How did trench warfare develop after the Battle of Marne? 0 4/26/2014
On the Military Channel "Trench Warfare" a reference was made to a special WW I Allied sniper round to defeat German body armor. Do you have any info... 0 1/10/2014
Does anyone know a source for early entrenching techniques such as might have been used in the boer war ? 0 12/3/2013
Do you know why trench tactics were created? 2 5/13/2013
How long ago was the method of Trench Warfare employed? 2 5/11/2013
Were there any famous battles won initially using Trench Warfare? 2 3/7/2012