Thomas Jefferson
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  Subject Replies Date
What are some of the successes and failures of Thomas Jefferson when trying to change the national government? 0 10/24/2015
How did Jefferson's Enlightenment ideals influence his work and life? 3 8/21/2015
Founder of The Library of Congress 0 11/28/2014
First Congretional Library? 0 11/28/2014
Congretional Library 0 11/28/2014
What common theme emerged concerning Jefferson? 0 10/18/2014
Loire Valley 0 9/23/2014
What was thomas jefferson most noted for? 2 9/23/2014
What were some of Jefferson's more controversial policies? 2 6/15/2014
In a letter to Peter Carr Jefferson mentions "the writings of Sterne." I've searched the net to no avail, any help? Thanks much! Below is a link to th... 0 5/25/2014
How is the relationship between Sally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson symbolic of the incinsistancy between American ideals and historical realities? Wha... 1 11/7/2013
Jefferson's legacy 2 5/12/2013
Jefferson and slavery 3 4/10/2013
What three things attributed to jefferson are incorporated into the back of the statue 0 3/25/2013
In the letter to Benjamin Rush, what were Thomas Jefferson 0 2/3/2013
what was the name of the bear cubs lewis and clark gave thomas jefferson 0 10/20/2012
Why is Jefferson considered to be such a talented and intelligent person. 3 3/7/2012