The Swiss Family Robinson
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  Subject Replies Date
What served as a "alarm clock" for the family? 0 11/28/2017
Where did they build a more permanent home? 0 2/29/2016
What fallacy about porcupines did Jack understand? 0 2/29/2016
What did they name the monkey? 1 2/29/2016
What was the journey to the “Promise Land”? 0 2/29/2016
What three changes did they make in the boat before their second return from the wreck? 0 2/29/2016
What enemy confronted them on their return from the wreck and how did Fritz dispose of him. 0 2/29/2016
Give three reasons why Fritz’s suggestions to let the ship’s crew shift for them were wrong? 0 2/29/2016
What were the consequences of Fritz’s lack self control? 0 2/29/2016
Were they stupid, or am I? 0 11/16/2015