The Blitz
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  Subject Replies Date
Prelude 1 8/20/2015
How were people alerted to what was going to happen? 1 3/1/2014
What was the date of the Manchester bombings in the North of England during the Second World War? 0 12/15/2013
Do u know any facts about the clydebank blitz???? 0 10/28/2013
How many fatalities did RAF have during the blitz and how many did German Luftwaffe have? 0 10/24/2013
Whats it like to live in a world with a man like Hitler 0 10/16/2013
Hi, Sorry for the confusion. After reading about the Doodlebug, I realise it isn't the V2, but the V1. I can't find information about whether V1... 0 12/24/2012
Hi, I know London and the South were bombed with V2's and my question is: Did Sheffield also have V2 attacks? My mother told me about the doodle... 0 12/23/2012
Second Phase 1 4/9/2012
How did the British react to the Blitz? 3 3/8/2012
First Phase 2 1/3/2011