Texas Annexation
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  Subject Replies Date
Background 1 9/25/2016
Why did they call it a annexation 0 2/5/2016
Was the north for the annexing of Texas or Against? Why? And Was the south for or against the annexing of Texas? Why? 0 12/11/2015
As texas was illegally annexed by the u.s., can we seperate? 2 4/6/2015
Annexation by treaty 1 6/15/2014
Annexation by joint resolution 1 6/14/2014
Who was involved in the Texas annexation? What took place? And why was it important? 0 3/2/2014
How did this Texas Annexation affect American foreign policy in the 1830s/1840s? 0 12/16/2013
Legality of the annexation 1 5/13/2013
What were some issues related to the Annexation of Texas? 2 5/13/2013