Stonewall Jackson
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When were his parents and siblings born and when did the die? 0 12/11/2015
What were the major civil war battles Thomas Jackson fought in? 1 11/25/2015
I have in my possession a letter from Stonewall Jackson to his uncle in 1847. He is in Mexico during war. Letter is in good shape. In 1922 the year ... 0 6/27/2015
I need some info and close up pictures of Stonewalls Sword. I have a 1850 Staff and Field Officers Horstman and Sons Sword I think it is the exact... 0 4/27/2015
I am closing an Estate and have a very old Confederate note with Stonewall Jackson's name & picture on it but dated 1864. The note is for $500.00. Doe... 0 1/10/2014