Space Shuttle Challenger disaster
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  Subject Replies Date
How has the Challenger disaster been used as a case study? 2 10/26/2016
Why couldn't the crew escape? 2 10/26/2016
What factors contributed to a delay in the launch? 2 10/25/2016
What were the circumstances of the disaster? 1 8/20/2015
Were the remains of the Space Shuttle Challenger found after that? 1 8/20/2015
What do you (the students) see as your future engineering professional responsibilities in relation to both being loyal to management and protecting ... 0 2/10/2015
What should Roger Boisjoly have done differently (if anything)? In answering this question, keep in mind that at his age; the prospect of finding a n... 0 2/10/2015
What, if anything, could their subordinates have done differently? 0 2/10/2015
What could NASA management have done differently? 0 2/10/2015
What was the result of the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster? 2 6/16/2014
How were the victims honoured? 2 6/15/2014
Space chalenger 0 10/30/2013
Why? 0 10/21/2013
I just saw a documentary on the Challenger disaster. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remember being told in 1986 by a NASA employee that the cold ... 0 7/23/2013
Aftermath 1 3/7/2012
Were there any conclusive reasons found for the crash? 3 2/4/2011
Did the he Space Shuttle Challenger blow up immediately or after it reached space? 3 2/3/2011