Salem witch trials
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  Subject Replies Date
What forms of evidence were used against accused witches? 3 9/24/2016
Who was responsible for the accusations in the Salem witch trials? 0 9/27/2015
Religious context 1 8/20/2015
This is a survey. If you don't know the answer, please say so. What did Ann Putnam say was on top of the minister's head the day she started having fi... 1 1/10/2015
What legal procedures were used during the Salem witch trials? 2 6/16/2014
What does Upham suggest erecting on witch hill?why? 0 11/20/2013
How might have witch-hunts been used as tools tto remove an enemy or for economic or political gain? 2 10/6/2013
Social context of the Salem witch trials 1 5/12/2013
Political context of the Salem witch trials 1 1/1/2011