Recreational drug use
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  Subject Replies Date
You will be sober 0 6/30/2015
Treatment center/rehab 1 6/29/2015
What is the best way to do adderall, to get like a rush say you are about 130 f, 5'6 lol THANKS 1 10/13/2013
I am concerned about some one i know who is taking phenobarbitol.Is this common among young people now. She has access to this drug. 1 10/11/2013
Hello everyone, every once a weekT I've been dipping and dabbing on opiate and methadone for the last 5 months. I go every once a week for a drugtest... 1 9/21/2013
Can pharmacutical?atropine be used as an recreational iv 1 5/20/2013
How can I stop worrying about my ex-husbands drug use? He was hurt in an accident and is now on lots of pain meds. 1 5/10/2013
I need advice on oxy's and herion 3 5/10/2013