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I hve a stars and stripe that seems to have quit eating - the water is good and balanced and salt is great he just seems to not be intersted in eating... 0 1/18/2014
How did puffer fish get to the u.s.a.???? where do puffer fish live???? 1 11/9/2013
Has anyone seen or know why they would swim into the wall of the fish take and run into it really hard? 1 10/9/2013
How do they breathe? 0 9/21/2013
What neurotoxin do they produce? 0 8/30/2013
How the puffer fish surviver? 1 5/19/2013
How many offspring do pufferfish produce? How much do they weigh? 1 4/27/2013
Why do puffer fish have flat bellies? 0 11/5/2012